Winter Wonderland

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During the third week of November, we had the first snowfall of the year.




Just kidding, snow was nothing special or new to me. It snowed in Utah too, and I had always been pretty impartial towards it.

I didn't hate it, but you also weren't going to find me outside trying to marry a snow woman, y'know?

Anyway, I mention this because it was still snowing while I was walking to school in the morning.

Bonnibel was sick or something and instead of trying to walk in silence, I decided to FaceTime T-Frex.

"Honestly, I'm kind of dying to know what she looks like now."

"Yeah, and I don't know why. I don't even like Blair that much." I laughed awkwardly. "Besides, isn't the vague description I gave you enough?"

T-Frex rolled his eyes. "First off, you know that I can tell when you're lying, right? Second off, no it isn't, you dork."

"Okay, fine. But if you get to see her then you're gonna show me what your boyfriend looks like, because you still haven't."

"Deal," he said. "I keep forgetting to send you a picture, but I guess that's a good thing because now I get to exploit the fact that you haven't seen him yet."

I gasped, "You're evil."

"I know."

As I began to approach the school, I stopped and started to tell T-Frex that I was going to have to let him go. Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish because somebody came up from behind and slung their arm around my shoulders, and somebody else started using my head as an armrest.

Before I could yell stranger danger, FaceTime told me that it was Blair and Leslie who had come up behind me.

They both sounded slightly out of breath.


"We were gonna bop you with a snowball when we saw you walking over here, but then we decided not to."

"Wow, thanks. You guys are so kind."

Blair motioned to my phone. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Freddy. He's my friend from Utah."

"Howdy!" he greeted, clearly happy that he had gotten his wish. "You two must be Blair and Leslie. I've heard a lot of good stuff about you guys."

"Wow, okay, you're just gonna expose me like that? I see how it is."

"Aw, do you gush about us to your other friends?" Blair teased.

"That's real cute, dude."

I could feel myself starting to blush like an idiot. "No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

"Yeah, it is. And—" Leslie finally stopped using me as an armrest. "Oh, hold on, I spot a dork with rabbit puppet. I've gotta go sneak attack him." She then ran off, shouting a quick, "It was nice meeting you!" while grabbing a handful of snow off of the ground.

"Damn, I haven't seen her move that fast before."

"That was rather impressive speed."

Somebody out of view on T-Frex's end called his name.  

"Looks like I've gotta go, Baby. I'll talk to you later. And I'll send you that picture. Oh, and it was a pleasure to finally meet your friends!"

He then ended the call before I got the chance to say bye back.

"Well then."

"He seemed nice."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool."

"I'm cold. Are you staying out here?"


"Then I'm going inside with you." Blair kept her arm around my shoulders as we walked into the school. "By the way, next Tuesday we're all planning on having a sleepover after school at Fallon and Leslie's. It's in celebration of the coming of winter. You in?"

I raised an eyebrow. "'In celebration of the coming of winter'? No offense, but that sounds so stupid."

"None taken. It is stupid." Blair grinned. "But it was Freddy's idea, and Leslie was all over it so there was no way out of it after that."

Honestly, I had only ever been to two other sleepovers before and both of them were just me and T-Frex since he was my only friend.

"Well, despite the dumb title, I think I'll be able to go."

"Great. But be warned, if you fall asleep first your face will be drawn on and you will be covered in gold star stickers."

"Has that ever happened to you?" I asked.

"Twice. I'll never forget." I could feel her shudder a bit. "Anyway, I'll see you during French."

She gave me a quick hug before heading off to her class.

"Yeah, see ya..."

Mr. Schmidt had already unlocked the classroom door, so I just walked right in.

Well, after standing in the middle of the hallway like an idiot for a full fifteen seconds.

Freddy and Leslie were already sat at our usual table off to the side of the room.

By the way, in case you were wondering, their date went well.

As I headed over to my seat, I could see the two of them holding hands under the table while Freddy talked about how he fit forty-five Slim Jims into his mouth the other day.

"Dude, I'm so fucking pissed that detention kept me from witnessing that in person. Like, the idea of watching somebody do that in a gas station parking lot is hella funny to me."


"Afton caught me skateboarding down that ramp near the art classrooms."

'Well, that explains that weird sound and the screaming I heard during art the other day.'

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