Pig's Blood

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Alright, so, winter break started. It was currently the day after Christmas and I had work.

I'm not gonna bother telling you about Christmas because my family didn't celebrate it. Or any kind of winter holiday, for that matter. Never had before, so it was just a normal day for me, y'know? I helped my dad put together a shelf, talked to Leslie for a while because she called me and told me she was bored (her family celebrated Chanukah so they weren't doing anything either), engaged in another one of Eddie's weird-ass games, stuff like that.

Anyway, getting back on track, I was supposed to work until five, but the power went out and Dad ended up closing Silver Eyes early.

After cleaning up and all that junk, I clocked out, swapped my waist apron for my jacket, and got the hell out of there.

Even though I could've just bummed a ride home from my dad, I decided to walk because he had a bunch of errands to run and I didn't really want to join in.

Plus, the weather wasn't complete shit. It was actually warm enough for most of the snow on the ground to have melted.

While walking, I spotted a familiar head of blue hair near the fountain in front of the public library.

It looked like Blair was just chilling outside on a bench and reading.

I decided to head over and say hi. And by "head over and say hi", I actually mean that I walked over and flopped down right next to her, purposely bumping into her shoulder a bit.

"What'cha reading?"

There was a sharp intake of breath, indicating that I had successfully frightened her.

"You really are going to try and get me back for all those times that I scared the crap out of you, aren't you?" Blair asked, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Uh..." I pretended to think for a moment, "yes."

"Alright. That's understandable."

"What'cha reading?" I asked again.

Blair used a sticky note to mark her place before closing the book so that I could see the cover, which was pretty battered, and featured an image of a girl with a ton of blood running down her face.

"The copy of Carrie that you lent me."

"Oh, okay. So, if you aren't making more progress towards your goal of reading every book in the library for a second time," Blair rolled her eyes at that, "then why are you hanging out in front of it?"

"I was trying to work on a research paper for one of my classes, but my sisters were getting way too rowdy so I decided to come here to work on it. Once I was finished, I came out here to get some fresh air because it's nice outside," she explained. "Why are you in front of the library? I thought you were at work."

"I was, but we closed early because we're having issues with the power. Just thought I'd pop over and irritate you for a second."

"'For a second' better not imply that you're about to get up and leave already."

"Well, it did, but I guess it doesn't anymore."


"Good," I repeated. "I'm going to steal your water now."

"Oh, but if you do that, then I can't drink from it again."

"Blair, we have kissed. My tongue has literally been in your mouth," I pointed out. "I don't think drinking out of the same water bottle as me is that big of a deal."

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