Jurassic Shark

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"Hey, you gotta wake up. Class is over."

"Nah, I'm good."

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up." Yenn started to repeatedly poke me with a chemistry spatula, poking in rhythm with what he was saying.

I groaned, swatting the spatula away. "Okay, okay."

Halloween was on a Sunday, meaning that the day after was a school day.

And despite knowing that, I still stayed up to fuck around with my friends.

We did some more urban exploring. Which, admittedly, was much more terrifying in the dark with half of us wearing masks.

But that also just made the experience more fun, y'know?

Afterward, we went to a gas station and raided it for food.

It was probably like, two in the morning when I dragged Eddie back home with me.

Upon getting home, I spent another half hour texting T-Frex (and Blair).

And all of that really just means that I didn't get a lot of sleep.

It was still worth it, though.

And Mr. Goff decided to give us a study hour, so I just used that to sleep.

Which brings us back to my chem partner, Yenn, and him waking me up.

He poked me one last time with the spatula before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

I shoved my papers into my textbook, my textbook into my bag, and made my way over to the door, which is where I found somebody waiting for me.

It was Blair.

Shocking, right?

She was leaning against the wall, playing on her phone.

"Hey, Blair."          

She looked away from her phone and smiled. "Hey."

"You waiting for somebody?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah, you."


We started heading to our next class, which was French.

"Why'd you want to wait for me?"

She shrugged. "Why not? I like talking to you. Plus, your fourth hour happened to be in my path."

"Ah. I see."

"Also, I really wanted to make sure that the puddle you tried to drink from last night didn't kill you."

"It hasn't yet."

"Are you positive?"


Blair took my wrist and checked my pulse. "You're still alive. Unless your pulse is an illusion of some kind."

"Don't think it is."

"Then you are definitely alive."

"Okay, cool." I paused for a moment. "Actually, wait. Hold on a second, ma'am."

Perhaps it was because I was still half asleep, but it wasn't until I had my pulse checked that I realized something.


"Can you turn your head back towards me for a second?"

Blair looked back at me once more.

"You got an undercut!"

"I did," she said. "What do you think?"

My mind told me to say, "It looks good", but what came out instead was, "It looks so fucking cute. I mean, your old haircut was too, but like, with —, you get what I mean!"

After chuckling a bit at how flustered I sounded, she smiled once more and poked my shoulder. "Thanks, you look pretty cute yourself."

"I look like I crawled my way out of a 90s graveyard."

"You do, but I like it."

We finally made it to our class and took our seats. Sadly, we weren't at the same table. But she sat in the row behind me so I could just turn around and talk to her.

"By the way, you better have brought the goods."

Last night, while we were texting, we ended up deciding that we were going to have a bad horror movie marathon. It didn't matter that Halloween was over because there were going to be no scares with my lackluster movie choice.

And apparently, the actually good movies we watched yesterday just weren't enough.

"Don't worry, I did. They're in Ed's truck. I'll snag them before he speeds home and we can walk to your place."

"Good. I'm really looking forward to Jurassic Shark. It sounds terrible."

"Oh, it is. You're going to love it."

Mrs. Moss entered the room and told everyone to shut up in French, so, unfortunately, that was the end of our conversation for the time being.

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