Chapter Five: Black

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I dropped off the twins to school and took off towards my dad's place. I had been calling him since yesterday afternoon and he hasn't returned any of my calls. As much as he blows me up on a regular I know he stays with that damn phone in his hand. Seeing that he hasn't even took it upon himself to shoot me a text to let me know what was up is scaring me just a little. Either he's gone missing or he's ignoring me and both options I don't want to deal with.

Malachi and I have been talking about what my father asked me to do since he left my place. I know as my husband he's going to support any decision I make. However, we both know whatever I choose can affect my family drastically. If I stick to my word and say no I can lose both my father as well as Zion. I know this punk ass thug is asking for the both of us and if I agree, I'm taking the risk of my family being in the line of fire. He asked me to step into the game before and he sees where that led me. I was a monster and I don't have the want nor need to become that again. Who knows what extents I will go to this time.

I walked up the long driveway and got to the backdoor and noticed it was slightly open. I ran up the steps and pushed the door open and began searching for my father. Nothing looked out of place so I know nobody broke in.


I didn't hear him answer so I started searching every room. I got to the kitchen and found him laid out on the floor with a bottle next to his head. I rushed over to him and checked his pulse and saw he was still breathing. I got up off the floor and found the biggest bowl in the kitchen and filled it up with cold water. When it was filled to the brim, I picked it up and dumped all the water on his face. He jolted up trying to catch his breath. I watched as he looked around to get his surroundings then he looked up at me.


"Mom has been kidnapped by a Hispanic lunatic and you're in here getting pissy drunk. What the hell is wrong with you?"


He looked off into space and then I saw all the emotion drain from his face. It was if he finally realized why he was on this floor to begin with.

"Come on dad, get up."

I grabbed his by his arm and tried pulling him up. He winced in pain and I immediately dropped his arms.

"I think my ribs are broken."

I looked at him confused and that's when I started to notice all the bruising on his face. His eye wasn't as swollen as I'm sure it was before I got here. His shirt had stains on them from the blood that I assumed gushed from his nose. I've never seen my father look like this.

"What happened to you?"

"You said you wouldn't help me so I went on my own. You was right though."

"Right about what?"

"These young niggas are different. I thought my name still held fear in the streets. I was wrong."

"Did that piece of shit do this to you?"

"Na, it was some young niggas on the corner that he wanted me to take."

At that moment, I made my choice. I pulled out my phone and dialed Uncle Russel's number.

"Hey niece, how you been?"

"I'm good Unc but I need a favor."

"Whatever it is, I got you."

"I need you to come get my dad off his ass and take him to the hospital."

My father started objecting but I turned my back and ignored him.

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