Chapter Fifteen: Dice

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Getting a chance to skip out to do my work was becoming more difficult by the minute. With the new baby in the house, Zion is depending on me more than what I thought she would. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining but I didn't think a new baby would be this much work. Like Zion said before, I wasn't around for the raising of Jade. Yeah, I picked her up and we spent time together; she definitely knew who I was. But as far as the fundamentals, I skipped out on that part. I don't know shit about making bottles and changing diapers. Seemed more like a job for the mother but it's not like Zion is giving me much of a choice. Ever since she had the baby she's been sick. The doctors say it's nothing wrong with her and everything she's going through is natural. She looks borderline suicidal and I don't know what the fuck is natural about that.

I need now more than ever to get out of this house and see what the streets are talking about. I never got anything on that death threat but the other day I could've sworn I saw an unfamiliar car parked not too far from the house. Whoever was in it couldn't take their eyes of me and Zion and I have a problem with that. I can't afford to put Zion in the face of any more danger because this time I might not get her back. And with Jade not speaking to me, I don't think I can handle that right now.

A part of me wanted to call Malachi and just fix all of this. I mean, Jade wouldn't have been involved had I not asked her but I needed her at the time. I know Malachi is just trying to be a good father but taking the kids from Jade is too far in my book. In all honesty, he was safer around Jade than apart from her. If whoever robbed her knew where she lived I'm sure they will be able to find Malachi again. If they were really trying to fuck with Jade that seemed more likely. But hey, what do I know?

I walked into the bedroom to check on Zion. I found her sound asleep with the baby wrapped up next to her. I walked over to the side of the bed and kissed them both on the forehead. She stirred a little then looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing is wrong. I was just checking on you."

"Can you go to the store and get me some fruit?"

"Of course, love."

I bent and softly kissed her lips then walked to the living room the grab the car keys. Seems like this opportunity fell in my lap and I know I'm not going to miss it. I walked out the house and pushed the button for the garage to open. I suddenly got the feeling that someone was behind me and my heart began to speed up. I've been so wrapped up in this family life that I forgot to grab my piece before walking out of here. Whoever is trying to get me will be more than successful because I have nothing to protect myself with and I'm sure I won't be able to get to the car fast enough. I said a quick prayer and slowly turned around. I looked into eyes that seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew them from.

"Can I help you?"

"Well look at you, all grown up."

"Do I know you?"

"Come take a ride with me."

"Nigga do I look thirteen and naive? I don't know you to get in a car with you. Just take your crazy ass on somewhere."

"You got that fire in you, just like your mother."

I looked up him like he was crazy then pushed and slammed him to the side of the house. I put my forearm on his neck and the other arm on his chest so he wouldn't move too much.

"How dare you speak on my mother? Who the fuck are you?"

"It's me, your father."

"That's bull shit! My father died when I was a little boy."

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