Chapter Thirteen: Dice

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I had text Zion earlier and told her I was with Russel and for her not to wait up. I know it's not good to lie to your wife, but I know if Zion found out what I was really doing she'd flip her lid. And from the article I read online, stress isn't good for the baby. It's almost time for her to push that fucker out and I don't want any extra problems. Me being the father is problem enough.

I had been calling Jade but it seems as if she isn't talking to me. I don't know why. I honestly don't see where I'm wrong in this. Yeah, I brought her name into it but I was under the impression nobody knew she was Black. It's her fuckin fault niggas can put faces to names now, not mine. She should've been more careful and that blame clearly doesn't need to be on me.

It's almost dawn and I know Zion will be up soon to cook and clean and what not. I quietly closed the front door behind me and tried my best to tip toe to the bathroom. I had been telling Zion I've been sleeping on the couch to not wake her and to give her full access to the bed to be comfortable. In reality, the couch was the closest and I don't think I'll have excuses of why I'm dressed in my street clothes when I told her I was going to the bar after business meetings with Russel.

Before I could get to the hallway, the lamp switched on scaring the shit out of me.

"Nice of you to come home." Zion said from the love seat in the corner.

She wore only a sports bra and what I'm going to assume is a pair of my basketball shorts. She looked like she had been waiting up all this time which is the worst that could possibly happen right now. Being caught by your wife is one thing. Being caught by your pregnant wife who's been deprived of sleep however, is the absolute worst. I'm not getting out of this shit.

"Hey baby. What are you doing up?"

"Waiting on you of course."

"I told you I was hanging with Russell tonight."

"Yeah, I know that. But I just so happened to call Russell and he told me he hasn't seen you in a minute."

"Baby, I-"

"I found guns in the bottom of your sock drawer."

"I must've forgotten to put them back in the safe."

"I also found packages of drugs in your safe in the closet."

"The hell were you doing in my safe?"

"Well, you seemed to be paying more attention to that than your pregnant wife so I wanted to know what you had to hide. And there it was in plain view."

"Zion, you shouldn't be going through my shit."

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do in my own house where I lay my head, Dyshawn."

She scooted to the edge of the seat then got up and wobbled over to stand directly in front of me.

"I've been through too much shit to let you fuck up the best thing that has ever happened to me over some street shit. You either keep your ass at home and not on them corners, or I'm packing my shit and leaving."

"And go where, Zion?"

By the time I realized what I said, it was too late. She opened her mouth slightly in shock then I saw her fist ball up.

"Dyshawn, you are my world. Always has been and always will be. But one thing I'm not, is a weak woman. At least not anymore. I don't depend on you despite what the fuck you may think. So, don't worry about where the fuck I would go. Just know me and my baby will be good."

She rolled her eyes and brushed past me. I guess I'm without a doubt sleeping on the couch tonight.

"You got some mail!" she yelled from the bedroom.

I walked over the table and flipped through what looked like to be bills. When I got to the last envelope and saw it didn't have anything on it but my name, my interest was sparked. I opened it up and there, before me, was the first written death threat I've ever seen. Most niggas pop up on you, might do a couple drive bys. But to receive something at your home is as serious as it gets. That means someone knows where I lay my head. They know my refuge; my place of peace. I can't risk getting Katrina taken again or even worse, someone killing her.

"Hey baby, how does a vacation to Hawaii sound?"

When she didn't immediately answer me, I walked into the room. Just in time to see her holding her stomach and standing in a big pool of liquid.


"My water broke."


At 1:14 the next morning, my son, Dyshswn Jr. was welcomed into this world. He had a head full of curly hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. He smiled every time he heard my voice. That death threat was in the back of my brain but still on my mind nonetheless. The quicker I can think of a way to get Katrina and the baby out of here and still be able to dip and dab and make my money the better.

"Put the baby down, Dyshawn. You're going to spoil him before he even has a chance to get out of the hospital."

"He looked more peaceful in my arms though."

I put Junior in the little hospital crib and crawled in next to Zionon her small bed. She giggled like she used to when we first met and it warmed my heart. This moment can't get any greater than this.

"Where is Jade? I thought she would've been here."

The mentioning of Jade's name ended the happy moment I was in.

"No idea lil bit, I haven't spoken to her."

"And why is that?"

"Nothing you need to worry your beautiful little heart about."

"I swear, you two act more like brother and sister than you do father and daughter."

"What's wrong with that?"

"A lot, actually."

I didn't really have a response to that. Not too long after I heard Zion snoring loudly in my ear. I got up and kissed her forehead and decided to make a few phone calls. I decided to hit up Gino to get an update on everything.

"What up boss man?"

"What up G. Everything good?"

"Everything is copacetic this way. Shouldn't you be tending to ya wife? Since you're an old ass father and all."

"Shut up nigga, I ain't old."

"Whatever makes you feel good boss man."

"Aye Gino, I'm thinking of doing a little expansion. Like out of the country expansion."

"Oh shit, that sounds dope. When?"

"As soon as fuckin possible. Time for me to get the fuck up out this town."

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