Chapter Fourteen: Hakiem

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"Breakfast is ready, Mr. Brooks."

"Thank you."

I smiled up from my laptop at my butler and he closed my office door. I had been trying to scrape up as much as I can on this Dice character but I keep coming up with dead ends. Whoever this kid is, he's really clean. I would have to commend him for that. Being a dope dealer and have no type of paper trail on you is hard to pull off. Seems like some shit I would pull off though.

I wasn't big on pushing weight back in my day. I was more into the business of everything. I liked being the brains behind everything. At the same time, I didn't want to be fucked with and I made sure everyone knew that. Everyone had no choice but to abide by that except that bitch, Zharia. That young jawn sure knew she had a body on her. I'm talking shit grown woman way older than her would've killed to have. She was a little hot in the ass little girl that didn't know what she was getting into.

I can't say I wasn't really trying to get at that though. I was willing to invest all I had into her, and build her up into the woman built just right for a nigga like me. She was too busy worrying about me staying out late and Maxine. Maxine was the mother of my children and all but that was about it. She, of course, made it seem like it was more and I let her. Why? Because at the time I just didn't give a fuck. But I was too busy trying to make sure everybody was straight that I underestimated Zharia and her nosey ass abilities. Yeah, I slapped her upside her head a few times but so what. Clearly her parents didn't do it enough or her ass wouldn't have been fucking with me to begin with. She should call it a favor.

I'll admit I was a little obsessed with her. I got word that she was living it up in Georgia some got damn where and shit and just forgot about little ole me. She would've still been in them projects had it not been for me, but the little bitch wanted to be ungrateful so I took the only thing I knew mattered most; her family. What got me was the little shits wanted to be down. As soon as shit gets real they wanna run to Zharia to come save them and making me out to be the bad guy. Well ain't that bout a bitch.

Was I going to kill Zharia that night she came back? You damn skippy I was. I don't give a damn how much I fuck with you, if you steal from me I have no choice but to off you. Found her in my office trying to steal my little place money I keep stashed in my bottom drawer. Nobody knew where that money was but her. I might've gotten carried away by asking her own brother to kill her but so damn what. The little bastard tried to kill me anyways. For a minute, I thought I was dead until I woke up in the emergency room. Nurses asking me how I survived a shot to the head and still be alive. Like I'm supposed to fucking know that. I was pretty fucked up for a while, thinking my brain was fried. But eventually I came around, thank God. Shit that requires too much brain power I no longer can do. Some shit I even forgot how to do, like tie my shoes. Good thing I'm a rich nigga and can pay people to do what I seem to no longer be able to.

Almost dying was a wakeup call for me. I jumped out the game and decided to isolate myself. I eventually started doing this hood bounty hunting shit just to bring in some money. Plus, takes the edge off sometimes when I get to kill a greedy bastard. I don't really see any motivation to get rid of this Dice fellow. He didn't really seem to have done anything wrong, especially in this game. Unfortunately, I haven't had any cases in some time so I took the job. The little nigga Juno is clearly just butt hurt. This game isn't for everyone.

I closed everything down in my office and went into my bedroom to get ready to scope out this Dice character. Juno had sent me a couple locations if the nigga isn't at home so I guess I'll make this an all day event. I see Juno as if he were my own son. He's immature and trying to be a bad ass but I respect the grind.

Speaking of sons, out of my three kids I haven't checked on any of them. All three were boys, all by Maxine. I figured once word got out I was dead I wanted to keep it like that. It's not like I was really in their life anyway. Well, except for Dyshawn. Never knew what it was about him, but that boy clinged to me. I would always hope he didn't follow in my footsteps. Maxine ass probably wouldn't allow that anyway.

I downed my morning pills and made my way to the kitchen to enjoy my breakfast. I'm starting to get a tad bit too old for this.


I turned the key in the ignition and turned the car off. I went to all the other locations Juno sent me and came up with nothing. I decided to just stake out the nigga's house. I mean, he has to come home eventually.

Some headlights beamed from down the street and I slid down in my seat so I wouldn't be seen. Whoever this is can't be Dice. What dope dealer drives an SUV? I watched as a woman got out the passenger side and went in the back and pulled out a car seat. The SUV made more sense now. Kind of didn't want to kill a nigga who has a family but oh well. Juno already paid the first half of the money. I watched more closely as the driver finally got out the car. He kissed the woman on her forehead and for a split second, we made eye contact.

"Well I'll be got damned."

This Dice character, the nigga I'm supposed to take out, is Dyshawn. I accepted a mission to kill my own son.

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