The bad girl

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I met a new girl today and her name is Raily. She is really mean and she's tough too. She won all the fights she was in today and she always picks fights. Even off the fighting mat she's still beating someone up always. She picked a fight with Jessica today Jess is pretty tough but Raily still beat her up. I tried to stand up for Jess but Raily swung at me. She hit me right in the mouth and I was spitting out blood for almost two hours. I wish I could beat her up I always thought but I never would be able to do that. I'm really very weak anyway I have no upper body strength. I don't get how I'm related to Triss or Caleb they must both be very embarrassed by me. Can I talk to you Triss said talking to me. I walked over with a confused look on my face. What's up sis I said. Triss will do fine she said, why don't you teach that girl a lesson. Who Raily I looked confused do you want me to get murdered? Of course not she said why can't you just beat her up. She always beats me up I wined. Why don't you do it? Cause I'm a leader she said and I could get kicked out for that. Well I'm not beating her up end of discussion. River you need to teach that girl a lesson she scolded. NO I shouted very loud and I think she got the message.
Fine if your so chicken then ill tell her to calm down. So she walked up to her and then Raily and her started arguing and Raily punched her in the face.

If I was divergentWhere stories live. Discover now