Responsile or naw (River P.O.V)

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A/N: lol so about the title sorry guys I just had to haha enjoy the chapter guys by yours truly ~stela101

As soon as we stepped out of the hospital I slapped Cody hard right across the face.

Owe! What was that for?

Couple!? Apparent!? Responsible for me!? What were you thinking!? I can't believe you lied to the doctor like that!!

I'm sorry if didn't say that he would've needed to see your parents and you know he can't do that.

I could've said I can take of my self!

That wouldn't of worked. Someone else needs to take care of you when your hurt. Plus you needed to get out of dauntless for a while. I will sleep in the apartment with you but not in the same bed.

Ugh fine whatever I give up.

A/N: omg I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've ben extremely busy with school and projects for school and homework for school. Omg it's so stressful but I promise ill try to update more. Yours truly ~stela101
P.S sorry for the bad chapter guys.

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