The broken girls

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We rushed into the room as fast as our feet would carry us with a bunch of nurses and doctors. She was saying something about her ribs feeling like hell. It's okay the doctors reassured her you have a few broken ribs but we can give you some meds and get you back on your feet in no time. HURRY HURRY she screamed. Do you want meds now one of the doctors asked. YES she screamed so loud I think the whole hospital could hear her. MEDS MEDS WE NEED MEDS NOW on of the doctors screamed to another. Then finally one of the doctors rushed in with some pain reliever. After that she went to sleep it felt good knowing she could rest after what happened. Once I found Raily I would see myself how tuff she was and I would fight her for both of my sisters sakes. Then Raily walked into the room. GET OUT I SCREAMED. Wait she said I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being so tuff to River and Tris my dad just always taut me to be aggressive so I always have ben. Im just a broken girl that can't be fixed. Well now there's two broken girls I said pointing to River then back to Raily. What ever who cares I just came to tell you that I didn't mean for it to get this bad but you don't have to make a joke out of it so leave me alone. She said this with a glare that was hard to come by. I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I really did mean this too.

If I was divergentWhere stories live. Discover now