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Katherine start run said " let go sister " Stephanie follow her said " I'm coming why miss major want us " Katherine walk in look at minna said " sorry we late " minna sip tea said " you too your father call us princess trap at church " Stephanie yell said " what that bitch trap dark she did make deal bring blade to her !" Katherine look at minna said " indeed sister mrs Amy make deal with princess but she lie to her get to her she want " minna look at them said " you too go to Rome understand " they bows and start run out minna walk to soldier said " any location for king " soldier look at her said " no miss " minna look down someone walk to her said " miss major I know tell us stay here with you but I want kill miss integra " minna breathe slowly said " I know you want them they did " Tara look down said " miss integra service kill my father " someone hold scythe said " indeed but we can't they with princess " minna look at them said " that enough you too now we looking for king before it's too late understand " Tara said " yes miss major " major walk to her and smile minna smile back said " father um you need go back check you again please " major still smiling at her said " I'm be fine I'm sorry for your princess her loss I do like them but I can't believe die " he look down minna look down as well said " they was murder king kill them but king want kill her too " major look at her said " I hear everything your friend she trap " minna nods said " don't worry father they will get her I promise "


Ciel start wake up see tea on table and sits up slowly see maid in his room .

Emily look at him and shake said " s sorry sir my polity I made you tea let me produce myself my name Emily I'm mr Felix service please meet you " her bows ciel look at her and rub his eyes said " please meet to you too why you doing in my room " ...

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Emily look at him and shake said " s sorry sir my polity I made you tea let me produce myself my name Emily I'm mr Felix service please meet you " her bows ciel look at her and rub his eyes said " please meet to you too why you doing in my room " Emily smile said " well mr Felix wait for all  wake up " ciel look shock yell said " wait he here right now!" Emily still shaking and smile little bit said " y y yes sir " ciel get up and start run see Felix said " mr Felix good morning " Felix sip tea and smile said " ahh good morning sir ciel you got very nice butler you have " ciel still look shock start sit down Harry look at ciel said " sorry about it its very important " Felix look down said " I can't believe she broke deal maybe mhm " integra walk to them and start sit down said " good morning mr Felix " Felix look at them said "good morning now then Amy trap princess this it I know it going happen " integra look shock said " you know all it's time " Felix look at them said " yes but you see Amy it's smart lady but I not know she broke deal with princess and she do have brother you know him miss integra mhm his name enrico maxwell ring bell to you " Integra look at him said " wait Amy brother it's enrico maxwell " Felix smile at her said " indeed they siding " he put paper down on table said " it's match for them but big problems old church you see " he look at ciel said " tell me you still have newspaper sir ciel " ciel give him newspaper said " I guess that little birdy give it to me but it's was burn " Felix smile said " indeed it's was little burn dark father his name mason he find blade old church it's dangerous no demon or vampires touch it it's been blessed with angel tears mhm after old church burn down mason find it but you too not know old man save little demon Amy grandpa save little demon after he was burn alive now her grow up don't like demon remember her grandfather dead " integra said " you tell us her grandfather died old church alive " Harry look at her said " yes even she have blade but she want blood bring her brother back " he look down said " she planing sacrifice my granddaughter " ciel eyes wide yell said " she crazy she can't kill her !" Harry look at them said " but hear worse even my granddaughter form come back again she will control her " integra look at him said " control her what you mean " Felix look down at tea said " red moon her form come out again princess will not come back "  ciel look at them said " are you joking " Harry still looking down said " we not joking her form fucking deadly kill people you too see her neck " integra said " no we haven't wait " her look at Alucard said " Alucard did you see her neck " Alucard smile said " yes her right neck it's was dark black but it's growing on her she pretty hide her neck " Harry make fist said " start spread oh no " ciel look at him * what you mean start spread tell us " Felix stand up said " her form just her father got worse Stella want princess body but dark trying control her she get weaker because of Stella mhm Stella holding her remember even her body dark take her medicine every day but she don't her veins turn black Stella will turn her body will never come back " integra look at him said " you said Stella keep princess body she be " Harry look down said " gone my granddaughter be gone forever " Stephanie Tap ciel shoulder and smile said " hello " Katherine walk to Felix said " sorry we late again father someone open blimp lose my hat " Stephanie yell said " hi it's important our father tell us to do ! " Felix look at them said " enough your friend dark trap at church you too go with them " Stephanie smile and lean Katherine back said " easy going be fun right sister " Katherine push her softly said " indeed " Felix look at integra and ciel said " be careful something going happen"

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