Chapter One: Tragedy

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Obito's POV:

"Alright mother, I'm off to the market to sell our produce."

"Okay dear. Have a nice trip and stay safe, remember to return before dark."

"I will." I reply gingerly as I kiss her cheek. It's late in the morning but not quite afternoon yet, my father is still sleeping like an animal that's hibernating. My cousin Kosuke and my younger brother Kazue are outside playing in the freshly fallen snow. We live in a small secluded village that's high up in the mountain, so it snows year round. My family makes most of it's money by selling produce in the market. It takes awhile to reach the market though. But I do anything to support my family, especially my brother Kazue, he means the world to me.

I step outside our small hut and begin walking towards the main mountain path that leads down the mountain. I suddenly feel cold snow on my back and turn around to see Kosuke and Kazue laughing their asses off. I smirk and grab some snow, rolling it into a delicate snowball. I then chuck it at them but they dodge it, and then Kazue comes running up to me.

"Nii-Chan!! Where are you off to?"

"The market silly." I say, ruffling his identical black hair.

"Awww, I wanted to spend the whole day with you playing outside in the snow." My heart aches from his words.

"I would love to stay and play with you but we need money for food and farming supplies. I promise to spend the whole day playing with you tomorrow." He smiles brightly and then runs back to play with Kosuke. I wave at him and then begin heading down the mountain.

Snow starts to fall as I travel down the mountain, the snow crunched satisfyingly underneath my cold feet.

Ahh today is sure pretty but cold. I hope business will be well in the market

After about an hour I finally reach the bustling city. I start heading towards the market place but I notice and old lady that's bending down, picking up dropped items. I immediately stop and help her. After she has all her items picked up she looks at me and smiles.

"What's your name young man?"

"Uhh, Obito." I reply, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"That's a very handsome name. Thank you for helping me. Ahh don't stay out on the mountain when it gets dark, it would be a shame for a nice boy like you to get slaughtered by a shadow ninja." I nodded nervously and then began walking away quickly.

Shadow ninjas? I've never actually seen one or know much about them, but mother has mentioned them before. She doesn't talk much about them because she doesn't want to scare Kazue or Kosuke, so I figured that shadow ninjas were just myths to get children to come home before dark. But then again, many people have been dying mysteriously at night and many believe that the shadow ninjas are striking again

I clear my thoughts and focus on the market, earning money is more important than some stupid myths right now.


Business was amazing today! In fact, I don't think I've ever made so much money in one day! Mother and father are going to be so happy. But there's one problem, I accidentally spent too much time in the market so the sun has set but I'm not even halfway up the mountain. I was supposed to return before dark, if I hurry I'll still get back at a decent time.

With that thought I quicken my pace, desperate to get home. After a few steps though, I feel a chill run along my spine, in fact my whole body starts shaking with fear. I instinctively drop onto the ground and cover my head with my hands. I suddenly feel a dark presence pass by, but I don't see or hear anything.

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