Chapter 13: Escape Plan

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Kakashi's POV:

"Who am I? Haha, I'm the new king of this world, and you're my little slave." Obito chuckles darkly. I'm still in shock from Obito's dark change.

I can't believe that this is the same kind and gentle Obito standing before me.

Even with all the pain I somehow manage to stand up. I then tentatively rest my hands on his shoulders.

"Obito please. I know the real you is in there somewhere. Keep fighting, I know you'll win." I'm then suddenly shoved backwards.

"Stay away from me you weakling. This is who I am. Accept that." He shouts angrily before walking off. "Take him back to his cell I'll deal with him later." A few demons walk over to me and start to drag me back to my horrid cell.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

I think before passing out once again.

Third person POV:

"So what are you gonna do with our prisoner?" Sheer asks as Razor taps his finger on the armrest of his throne.

"Ahh I'll let Obito deal with him; he is the new king after all." Obito then walks over and stands in front of the generals.

"I want a lovely tower for myself built within the next week. No one shall be able to enter it without my permission and it's name shall be the Tower of Hell." Needle rolls her eyes; clearly irritated with Obito's demanding persona.

"Are you really going to allow this brainwashed subject to rule over us like this Razor?"

"Well he is going to be the next emperor and it's confirmed that he's a descendant of one of the prophesied shadows, so he does technically have the right to rule over us. We had thought it was the younger brother but he's dead now haha. But my, what a delightful twist this is. Our prisoner must be going insane watching his lover turn into a psychopathic murder." Needle just rolls her eyes again and walks away. "My Obito, you're tower will be built shortly I promise. Perhaps join me for dinner so we can discuss future plans."

"Hmm that sounds quite lovely Razor. Say, where are my quarters?"

"Ahh I'll take you right to them." Razor replies smiling as he leads Obito to his quarters. The rest of the six generals disband and Kakashi is thrown back into his dark cell.

Meanwhile back at Mr.Tomiichi's

Third Person POV:

"Ahh I can't find them!" Violet screams as she runs around the house panicked. Even Fox who is normally quiet is a bit shaken up.

"Violet I know it's unsettling that Obito, Kazue, and Kakashi have just disappeared but you need to stay calm. Perhaps they went on a morning walk." Mr.Tomiichi says, trying to stay optimistic.

"They would have left a note! And do you really think that they would go on some walk after last night?!? They were nearly killed for heaven's sake!"

"True. However if in the case that they were kidnapped by the six generals then the situation is out of our hands. There is no known way to access the Realm of Shadows. There have been rumors of a portal but no one knows it's location. We just have to trust that they will return home safely."

Violet walks over to the dining table and sits down; burying her face in her arms. Fox frowns and wraps an arm around her to comfort her. She can't help but cry at the thought of her missing comrades.

Back at the Realm of Shadows

Third Person POV:

Razor graciously takes a sip of his blood wine before continuing his conversation with the newly reformed Obito.

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