Chapter 2: Hero

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Obito's POV:

I opened my eyes and yawned, the scent of cooked rice and meat wafted into my nose. I looked around and then remembered the events of last night. Sadness creeps into my heart as I look at Kazue sleeping soundly next to me.

Awww that's right, I have to tell him everything. Ahhh that'll be difficult but it'll be better than making up an excuse or lie.

I tap Kazue on the shoulder gently, waking him up. He rubs his eyes and looks around confused.

"Nii-Chan where are we?"

"Ahh, you see Kazue. Mother, father, and Kosuke were all murdered by a demonic shadow ninja last night, so we're going to be staying here at Mr. Tomiichi's house for awhile, that old man over there making breakfast." Kazue nods slowly and then his face darkens with grief and sadness, it shatters my heart so I instinctively wrap my arms around him. "I promise, I'll never ever leave your side." He sniffs a bit and then hugs me tighter.

"I love you nii-Chan."

"I love you too." I reply, my heart aching. I then stand up and brush myself off. Kazue helps me as I straighten up our sleeping area, and then we walk over to help Mr. Tomiichi.

"Ahh I see that you boys are finally awake. I've made some delicious food to eat up." I smile and help Mr. Tomiichi carry the food over to the table. We all sit down and then we begin to enjoy the food. "So the basics of being a ninja slayer are swordsmanship, mediation, and technique. Now you probably want a deeper understanding of those three but I'll explain it all eventually. Right now I want to start with meditation to begin your training."

I nod my head, taking in every word.

"Now a ninja needs to be one with their mind and soul to be able to move freely and effortlessly. Most people, but not all have a unique power within them. There is a simple way to figure out what that power is, if you have it. Now, I would like to do that test with you Obito." Mr. Tomiichi gets up and leaves. He comes back with a white stone. "Now this stone is no ordinary stone. It has the power to reveal your unique power. Now hold it in your hands and clear your mind. Focus on your breathing too, take deep slow breaths. Then the new color of the stone will indicate what power you hold." I nod and take the stone.

It feels smooth and round in my hands. I clear my mind and slow my breathing down. At first, nothing happens but then the stone begins to change to a different color! After a few more seconds it changes completely to a solid black shade. I give the stone back to Mr. Tomiichi and look at him with curiosity.

"What does black indicate?"

"Hmm well it means that you have special and enhanced vision, now that means that when you meditate you will be able to see the figure and aura of a shadow ninja. They won't be invisible to your eyes. It's a powerful ability to have." My face brightens and my heart flutters with joy.

Wow, I didn't realize that I had such a cool power within me!

"Ooooh can I do the stone test too?" Kazue pipes up excitedly.

"Eventually, but not today young one. I'm focusing on Obito for now." Kazue pouts for a second and then dashes outside, seeming to forget about the stone test. "Okay for the next part of your training I'll be teaching you some basic combat and dodging skills." Mr Tomiichi leads me out into a grassy area that isn't covered in snow. "Okay so first let's start with some basic punches and kicks."

Mr. Tomiichi demonstrates a kick and then I try it myself. After a minute or two I have it down, so I try a few kicks on him.

"Very good Obito! Now, try to do a punch." He demonstrates one, and then I work on mastering it. Within a few minutes me and Mr. Tomiichi are fluidly throwing kicks and punches at each other.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this."

"It will get harder when I start teaching you more complex moves and back handsprings and flips, but that'll be further down the road. Ahh, now let's do a simple roll forwards and backwards. This move is good for dodging throwing stars and kicks." I focus intently while Mr. Tomiichi demonstrates the rolls.

I work on getting them down for the next ten minutes.


After a few hours of training and exercising we finally stop and head back inside.

"That was a good workout. I'm quite thirsty now." Mr. Tomiichi smiles and hands me a cold glass of water. I graciously drink it and wipe the sweat off my forehead with the sleeve of my kimono.

"Now that was only the first half of your training, I still have one more task for you, follow me." I nod my head and end up following Mr. Tomiichi deep into the woods. By now it's pretty late, the sun is beginning to set. "Now your goal is to return back before sunrise. Take this whistle, if you run into a shadow ninja blow it and I'll arrive to help you." Then after that Mr. Tomiichi just vanishes.

Wow my sensei is pretty magical! I really hope I don't run into a shadow ninja, I'm not ready to fight one yet.

A rustling sound from behind immediately grabs my attention.

What the hell was that sound?

I cautiously approach the tree where I heard the sound, my hands outstretched defending myself.

"Show yourself!" I hear a familiar giggle and a small figure comes out from behind the tree. Even though it's now dark, part of the moon is still shining. I instantly recognize the figure and I'm filled with pure terror. "Kazue what the hell are you doing out here? It's dangerous!"

"I wanted to see what you were doing so I followed you."

"Hnn, now I really hope that we don't run into anything. Here, come take my hand. You're not allowed to leave my side until we find our way back." Kazue pours and then walks over to my side, grabbing my hand.

"Aww, I wanted to have fun out with you nii-chan."

"Kazue this is no fun and games!!" My eyes soften as I remember that he has no one to play with now. "I'll play with you soon I promise. Right now let's focus on getting back before sunrise, it's part of my training." Kazue nods and clutches my hand tighter.

I hold my whistle tightly as we walk together through the cold, dark, and eerie woods. Out of nowhere I end up tripping on a sharp rock that's poking through the snow. I stand up and notice that my whistle is not hanging around my neck.

Oh shit, shit, shit. I think I lost the whistle.

"Kazue are you alright?" I ask as I frantically search through the snow for it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing though?" I stop digging through through the snow and I stand up, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Oh nothing, let's just keep traveling do that we can get back home."


After some walking it's all peaceful until I feel the same familiar dark chill that I felt on the mountain path. I stop in my tracks and pull Kazue closer. I hear demonic laughing and then a shadow figure steps out from behind a tree. I notice a glinting, sharp pair of knives in the hands of the figure.

My heart skips a beat and my stomach suddenly feels really sick.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here, a boy and his younger brother, how cute. I hope you don't mind me killing you two, ha!"

"Okay Kazue don't panic." I whisper, even though I'm panicking myself. Then in a flash the shadow ninja lunges, it's knives ready to slash us. I drop to the ground and cover Kazue with my body, acting as a shield. The crazy thing is, right before we almost got stabbed to death a figure with spiky white hair and a fox mask bolted out of nowhere and knocked the shadow ninja to the ground with one swing of his sword...

Author's Note: Ahh yes a cliffhanger, you're welcome :)) // I hope whoever reading this is enjoying it so far, I really like writing this fic so far. // I apologize for any mistakes via grammar/spelling // I'll try to update this within 4 to 5 days <33

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