Chapter 8: Homecoming

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Obito's POV:

I swing my daggers smoothly and watch the thick snowfall. My face gets increasingly cold as more snowflakes pile on top of it. It's the middle of winter and frankly I'm worried sick now. Kakashi told us he'd be back late fall but it's already winter. I can't get rid of the dread that he might be dead, but I don't think that's the case. Mr. Tomiichi told us that there would be a public death report if he was found dead and thankfully there hasn't been one.

It's weird but I feel like I have this emotional connection with him, like I can feel what he's feeling and sense his presence. I don't really know why but I have a few guesses...anyways I can still sense that he's alive. I've just been really depressed and sad these past months because I miss him so fucking much. Missions just aren't the same without him and I miss his comforting warmth at night. He's so protective of me. It makes me feel so safe and warm.

I know there's an obvious connection between us, but I'm too nervous to confess my feelings. And for some reason he hasn't either which is probably because he's afraid of losing me. The only thing comforting me is his precious cloak that he gave me that night. Okay don't make fun of me...but I sleep with it...every night. It's so warm and it has his scent all over it which I love. Violet's high pitched yell brings me back to reality.

"Obito! Kakashi has finally returned! He's looking for you, you idiot!" My heart flutters with joy and out of pure happiness I drop my daggers and begin sprinting as fast as I can towards the house. When I get inside I run up and hug Kakashi with all my strength knocking him over.

"Woah Obito slow down there." He chuckles as he rolls over on top of me. I stare into his twinkling eyes and take in his pleasant and comforting scent. I can feel warm wet tears start to slide down my cheeks.

"We all missed you so much especially me...some thought you were dead." I barely choked out the last words and buried my face in his chest.

"It's okay. I'm here now." He replied as he pulled me close. Kakashi began stroking my hair gently which calmed me down. It was a gesture he did to me at night whenever I missed my family to the point of tears. After a few minutes and some giggles from Violet we finally stand up, and I quickly wipe away my tears. Kakashi walks over to Mr.Tomiichi and hugs him and then sets his stuff down in the sleeping quarters.

"So how has everyone been?"

"Well we've all gotten so much stronger especially Obito! I bet he could beat you in a fight now." Kakashi chuckled and raised a brow.

"Oh is that so?" I blushed and fiddled with my hands.

"Uhh Violet's exaggerating, but I have improved a lot." I mumbled. Mr.Tomiichi set a few hot bowls of rice onto the table and beckoned us to eat. We all dashed over and sat down excitedly. Kakashi instantly tore into his food; shoving spoonfuls of rice down his throat as if he were starving.

"Uhh Kakashi...?" I was quite worried that he was going to choke. I then studied and noticed that his figure was a bit thinner than normal. He must have not had a good meal in months. The rest of us ate our food at a much safer pace, and then we all gathered in the main room. There were really soft rugs that were great for sitting on.

"So how was your mission?"

"It was successful! It took a bit longer but I completed it without any fatalities." His eyes flickered with worry and pain, so I knew that Kakashi was hiding something from us.

Does he not trust us or something?

"Oh! Fox has started talking more too, and he's really, really smart."

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