Chapter 7: Departure

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Kakashi's POV:

I finish stretching and neatly fold my blanket. I'm always up first usually around 5:00 am. I like to get a little training in before everyone else. Especially since I'm part of the Ninja Slayer Corps, so my training is much more advanced.

I glance around the room and smile when my eyes land on Obito. He looks so cute asleep. My first impression of him was that he was a weak dumbass. But after learning about his tragic story and getting to know him more, I started to like him, a lot. He's so sweet and kind like Akira. He's funny too, and he's the spitting image of Akira. I swear Obito is the reincarnation of him.

My biggest fear though, is that he'll be ripped away from me like everyone else was. That's why I distance myself from him at times, but there's this damn magnetic pull between us. I've tried pushing him away, but I just can't. He's too special...

He might very well be my soulmate. See, I wondered if Akira was, but he wasn't. He didn't have the same marking as me: a small black heart on the left wrist. I was disappointed at first, but I got over it. Besides, I viewed Akira more as a best friend than lover.

I open the side doors and walk out onto the porch taking in the fresh summer air. It's finally stopped snowing but there's still a bit of snow on the ground. I have to leave today which is going to be a pain to tell Obito. I can just imagine the pain and sadness in his eyes. I can't ignore orders from the Ninja Slayer Corps.


Kakashi's POV:

I headed back inside after a bit of training. Everyone was now awake and eating breakfast. I got myself a glass of water and sat down next to Obito.

"Nii-chan can you take me to the meadow you guys always go to?" Obito smiled and replied,

"Of course! Today is our day off anyways." I admired Obito greatly, he was such a sweet and caring older brother. He was always so thoughtful and protective of Kazue.

"You're such a good brother."

"Oh uhh thanks." Obito replied, blushing. It was so adorable how flustered he got around me.

We all finished breakfast and cleaned up, and then we headed off to the Golden Spring meadow. It was gorgeous when we arrived. There was no snow on the ground just soft green grass.

"Ahh, this place is so cool!" Kazue shouted excitedly as he ran off into the flower field. The stream bubbled soothingly nearby, I walked over to it and dipped my finger in it's waters.

It was cool to the touch but warm enough for swimming. Memories of swimming in the stream with Akira filled my mind.

Ah I miss him...

I glanced over at Obito, who was far away with his brother grinning from ear to ear. I smiled and stood up and found a soft spot on the grass. I layed down and looked up at the slow moving, fluffy white clouds.

I sighed happily and closed my eyes enjoying the sun's warmth. Days like this were my favorite. After long days of training and protecting citizens it was nice to relax. I wanted to do something special for everyone, since I wouldn't be seeing them again until late fall.

I stood up and walked over to Fox and Violet, who were lowkey flirting with each other.

"Hey, I thought we could all go down and explore the town and market today." Violet turned around surprised and quickly unclasped her hand from Fox's.

"That sounds great!" Violet replied happily, but I could hear the irritation in her tone. I chuckled and started to walk away.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you two and your alone time."


Kakashi's POV:

We walked down the streets of the town admiring everything. It was now evening but there was still plenty of sunshine. It was nice to get out and explore the city after being secluded up in the mountain.

"The air smells quite nice, it's making me hungry."

"We can stop at this little tea shop and get cookies and tea." Obito suggested. I only had a little bit of money on me but it would probably cover the cost. I nodded my head, and then Obito led us to the shop.

It was a cute little green tea shop that had little antiques lined up on white shelves. It smelled of warm cookies and cinnamon inside a nice comforting scent. We sat down at a small table and waited for a server to come.

"This place is so lovely!"

"I know, I used to come here all the time after I sold stuff at the market. Once a year my whole family would come to this shop." I could tell by Obito's tone and face that he was depressed and thinking of his family again. "I still need to get revenge for them. Kakashi do you think I'm strong enough to start my mission of finding the demon that murdered my family?"

I sighed and looked at the ground.

Revenge isn't a good option. I know I can't stop him though...

"Well you've gotten a lot stronger since you've become a ninja slayer, but I don't think you're quite there yet. You still need to improve your meditation and you need to memorize the aura that was left at the scene of your family's death. Anyways, I want to go with you on your revenge mission. I'm leaving tonight and I won't be back until late fall. You should continue training hard while I'm gone so that we can set off when I get back."

"'re leaving us?" I cringed at the tone of hurt in his voice.

"It's an assignment from the Ninja Slayer Corps, I can't ignore their orders."

"Oh...I see." I realized that I had killed the mood seeing how down everyone now was.

"Well I guess we should just leave then." I said sighing as I stood up. We then walked out of the tea shop forgetting to order cookies.


Kakashi's POV:

I finished packing up all of my belongings and walked out into the main room. Obito, Violet, and Fox were eating dinner while Mr.Tomiichi was polishing my mask. I walked over to him to say my goodbyes.

"Here's your mask Kakashi. It was nice having you back these past weeks." I smiled and gently took my mask.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon."

"Safe travels." I then opened the door and walked outside. I could hear footsteps behind me, so I turned around. It was Obito.

"Wait, Kakashi...I wanted to say goodbye one last time." He came closer and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Don't die please..." My heart completely shattered at his words.

"I won't..." I whispered. He let go and began walking away, but he turned his head around and gave me the most soft and genuine smile.

"I'll have your favorite rice dish at your spot for when you get back." I smiled one last time and put my mask on. I then set off on my journey...


A/N: so that was chapter 7!! I'm sorry it's very short and bland because I didn't have much motivation or inspiration for writing this chapter. I promise that the next chapter will be much more interesting and detailed there even will be a cliffhanger hue hue. Also, I feel like I've fucked up Kakashi's character because I wanted him to be a cold hearted, stuck up, and edgy bitch for awhile at first, but I feel like I've made him soft way too early? And do y'all think that the romance is progressing too fast? Because I feel like it is, and I don't like it...

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