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Everybody hates bullies, correct? I do, that's for damn sure! Unfortunately, bullies are everywhere around us. In our school, on the bus, even lurking every corner in cyberspace. It's easy to become a bully's victim, but not that easy to get away. I'll admit it, I've been bullied, several different times throughout my life. Those are definitely some of the roughest times of my life. Not only kids bully, adults do too! Once there was this kid that rode my bus. He used to do everything in his power to make me hate the bus ride, and it worked! He was constantly throwing things at me, calling me names, and making me hate myself more and more everyday! Eventually, he moved away and had to ride a different bus. It was a good thing because I didn't have to deal him anymore. That was all way back in my second grade year. Here we are eight years later, and i'm in 10th grade now. Yet whenever I see that boy in the halls, he still gives me the nastiest glares. Eight years after being bullied by him, I ask the question, "Why me?". This question will probably never be answered. I've dealt with bullies other than him since. Bullies of both genders, and all ages. Truth be told, that one day we will have the upper hand! In the end, the bullies, they never ever win! WE DO! So don't worry, it gets better, it gets better, it really does! Next time you feel like the world just ended because of something someone told you, just think again. They are just doing it because putting you down makes them feel better about themselves. Trust me, no matter what you do, you can't change a bully. Once a bully, always a bully. The dreadful accounters with the evil two legged creatures are just part of life. All you can do is not show them that it bothers you. Always remember that one day, we are gonna rule right over them and we will have the upper hand. Just hang in there and don't give up, don't give into the evil ways of the messed up human brain. Be strong. Never give up. Love yourself.

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