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Love is a crazy thing. Before we know it, that one person is taking over our minds and allowing no other thoughts in. What hurts the most is when you love someone you know you have no chance with, or someone who friendzones you, or someone who leads you on and lets you down. I feel this, my mind does nothing but think about this one guy. Things were great at first, I was all smiles, and although I knew he was broken, he always seemed generally happy. Eventually I looked through it and seen he was hiding things. One night things were going great, then all of a sudden it took a turn, and before I knew it ... I was friendzoned, saying he wasnt ready for a relationship and I had to learn to love myself. Every message had "we are just friends" or "I just want to be friends". Now it hurts when you get friendzoned and it hurts more when they just keep saying it, I cried myself to sleep that night. Whats even more confusing is he acts like he likes me, and he still flirts, but I've kept telling myself to keep my walls up. He knocked them down so quickly, I'm trying to rebuild them, but when I'm around him, or talking to him ... im happy, and im myself. Im lost, I have no idea what to think when around him, but I'm trying, im trying to go back to my hidden self. Preparing myself for the ultimate hurt ... why am I this way? Why do I fall in love so easily? Why do I let my walls fall?

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