A New Me

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  It's time for a new me.
   I'm no longer the girl you used to know.
   I'm a little more reserved, a little more bitchy, a little more un-trusting.
I've grown up this summer, I've experienced things who've made me into the young women I am today.
So I'm warning you,  don't try to come crawling back, because I'm here to tell you, you will NOT like the response you get.
   What you did to me hurt, but it numbed me, which I find ok. It's easier for me to not feel now, I feel nothing, and I like it that way. Yeah, sometimes I still want to cry, but I don't. I have no tears left to cry, I'm emotionally and physically drained.
So when you start school, and you realize what you lost, don't come crawling back. I've already adapted to life without you, I don't need you. Quite frankly, I could care less if you need me, you did this to yourself. I want you to know what it feels like to have no one, I want you to feel pain, and go ahead, call me heartless, I don't care. Where the hell were you when I needed you this summer? Too busy off doing whatever the hell you were doing with people who have stabbed you in the back before, and I hope they do it again, and I hope it hurts worse this time. Some people may say to those they lose, "I wish you the best," not me, I say, "I wish you the worst bitch". 
   The me before this summer was nothing like this. I was the quiet girl with just her small group of close friends, who was sweet and willing to help anyone and everyone. Thats not me anymore, I've grown so fucking cold its not even funny. I would have never seen this coming, none of it. Im glad it happend though, I'm glad I experienced it. I've learned to not let people stomp all over you, not to let them use you, and I've learned not to trust, not to get close. I've changed, and this is the new me.

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