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When I explain my life history to everyone, it seems sad and they all say how sorry they are for you. And even I know it, other kids got it a lot worse than I did, but that doesn't mean it doesn't haunt me. Occasionally I get nightmares, and they are always based off of the stuff that happened to me, but somehow involve those I care about the most,  always making it even worse. After I get them, even though I had slept through the whole night, I am exhausted. I know its all due to the fact that I was all worked up during the nightmare, but still. So even though I know kids got it worse, don't mean that I had it super easy. I'm sure that what I had went through will haunt me for the rest of my life in some way. Shit like that don't just simply go away, it follows you around like a shadow. It will always be faintly there, and I hope they get what they deserve for everything theh did to me, the scars they left me with. Because no matter what, it will always be in the back of mh brain, always.

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