Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

Waking up with a jolt, I can feel my heartbeat running a mile a minute. I vaguely recognize the sticky feeling of being covered in sweat, feeling beads of it sliding down the side of my face and neck.

"Hyung, it's okay. I'm right here, it's okay, baby."

I numbly look to my side, finding Jungkookie still laid in bed with me, feeling his hand rubbing gently at my back. He gives me a soft smile when I look over at him though, moving his hand from my back to reach over and take my hand in his.

"It's alright, Yoonie. I'm right here, it was just a dream. Just a bad nightmare, okay?" Jungkook murmurs softly, lifting my hand up to kiss the back of it lightly.

I take a deep shaky breath, running my free hand through my hair.

Jungkook sighs, sitting himself upright as he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. We stay like this for a few minutes, the both of us silent as I focus on calming down.

Everything's fine. Nothing's gonna happen to him. I don't need to worry. The fire won't get him too. It's why I got better about it. It's why I don't play with it anymore. He's why I'm better. I have to stay better for him.

"I'm sorry, Kookie." I mumble quietly, laying my head on his chest as I curl into him a bit better.

"You don't need to apologize for anything, Yoonie. You've done so good, baby. It was just a dream, remember?" The younger says softly, kissing the top of my head. I purse my lips for a moment, still feeling somewhat conflicted.

"I can't help but worry that it's gonna happen someday though. I'm afraid I'm going break at point and that I'm going to lose you too." I whisper quietly, not looking up at him. He pulls away, forcing me to do the same as I look up at him.

"Min Yoongi, you really do need to calm down sometimes. I promise, I would never leave you, no matter how hard you try to get rid of me. Okay? Baby, you really do have nothing to worry about. You've come so far from where you were when they released you from the hospital. You're so much better and stronger than you were back then. Okay? You overthink and have so little faith in yourself, baby. You're so much better than you think you are." Jungkookie says seriously but with a gentle tone.

I can feel tears forming in my eyes at his words, feeling the sincerity in his voice make my heart ache. Within seconds I feel his lips press softly against mine, and I hate how I can feel just how badly I needed this comfort.

I don't hesitate in kissing him back, one hand landing on his waist to try and steady us both. I can feel myself calming down as our lips move together, savoring the feeling of his soft lips on mine. Despite the feel of being out of oxygen, I feel a lot calmer and grounded again, the feeling of the kiss getting better and sweeter than the initial feel.

"See? So much better than you realize, baby. I'm not ever going anywhere, Yoonie." Jungkook murmurs softly against my lips before pulling away from the kiss completely. I pout at this, but he simply chuckles lightly, ruffling my hair.

"Come on, it's still really early in the morning. Let's go back to sleep before we both have to be up for work and classes." He says gently, taking my hand and carefully pulling me back down to the bed as he lays down on his back once more.

I sigh as I give in, letting him pull me to lay back down before immediately curling into his side and laying my head on his chest. His hand snakes it's way to my back once more, rubbing soothing circles to help me get back to sleep.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Kookie. I'm so lucky to have you." I whisper quietly, beginning to feel tired all over again. I feel him press a gentle kiss to the top of my head, causing a small smile to form lazily on my lips as I cuddle up closer to the younger.

"You'll always have me, hyung. You don't ever have to worry. I promise." Jungkookie murmurs sweetly in my ear.

I hum softly in response, too tired to bother formulating a verbal response. Instead, I just let my eyes fall shut as I focus on the sound of his heartbeat, trying to focus on the fact of him still being here after everything.

I soon begin to feel my body start to drift off to sleep, and I can only hope that this time won't be filled with the same reoccurring dream.

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