Chapter 14

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Jungkook POV

"Thank you again, hyung, for letting me stay and for driving me back." I tell Tae with a small sigh. He glances over in my direction with a smile before returning his gaze back to the road.

"It's no problem, Kookie. You know I don't mind having you over and you've had a lot on your plate to be busy watching how much gas you had in your car. I'll make sure to get it taken care of and back to you sometime tomorrow." He says calmly before turning onto the road that the house is on.

As much as I hate to admit it, these last few days have been absolute hell without Yoongi. I mean, I know I love the man and I've had thoughts of potentially proposing someday, but holy shit. All I could think of each night and morning and even throughout the day was him. It didn't matter what I was doing, he was always there in the back of my mind chirping away. I couldn't even get full nights of sleep because I'd wake up with the worry of how he's been doing and images from the night I left replaying while I'd try to fall back asleep. Nothing really felt right either though, knowing I wasn't seeing Yoongi at any point during the days and it felt weird trying to sleep at night and when I'd wake up, not having him there with me.

I think my breaking point had been earlier at work though. I mean, okay, I obviously didn't think he'd take it the best, but to have seen him sobbing in the back of the café while watching me with the most innocent look on his face and in his eyes was fucking killer. And the way he'd been curled up into Jin hyung's side? I know he was crying and that was probably at least half the reason he was curled into the elders side, but the explosion of jealousy that flooded me was overwhelming. I know Yoongi is beautiful and adorable and cute, but it really did scare me just how sweet he looked curled into hyung's side. And I think the jealousy of that had been what really made me think that maybe I'm really not better off without him.

I know Yoongi is a piece of work for just about anyone, including myself at times. At the same time though, I know it's really not his fault. If you can spend two and a half years at a hospital that is specifically meant to help you mentally and even they can't kick the fixation you've got on fire, can't get you to fully eat or sleep properly, and can barely get you to speak to anyone? I know many would probably just blame that on him being stubborn, but I don't. Watching your house burn down, watching your father go back in to try and save your mother from the burning house only to have to get pulled out seconds before the entire damned thing collapses... that's gotta do something to you mentally, and I think it did to both Yoongi and his brother. While his brother never wanted near anything too warm ever again, all Yoongi wanted was to watch the flame of the fire dance and feel its warmth. Trying to eat after that experience... even I would probably start out struggling. And god, I can't imagine the damage watching something like that can do to your ability to sleep.

I know he's never meant to be difficult or anything of the sort. Ever since he let me start trying to help him, despite how hard it'd always be on him, how hard he'd make me work, I know he was always trying. I know he's always felt guilty for the fact that he may never be able to make me dinner himself and for the fact that he wakes me up every single night. I know it's not his fault and I know he's felt guilty over those things probably even up till now.

I guess I kind of just lost sight of all of it though. Lost sight of the fact that he can't really control those things, of the fact that I really did kind of leave him vulnerable to his fixation on the flame. I wasn't really there for him last week when I should've been, wasn't home when I knew I needed to be, and I know I fucked up with telling Tae that we were just classmates. It shouldn't be any surprise that he ended up doing what he did that night.

"Umm... Kookie?"

I frown at the hesitancy in Tae's voice, looking over at him curiously now that he's pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, hyung?" I respond, tilting my head to the side. However, his gaze continues flickering over to something that's on my side of the street as he slows down considerably while pointing.

"Is that supposed to be your house?" Tae asks quietly, making my head snap in the direction to which he's pointing. My eyes widen in fear though, spotting fire trucks and an ambulance parked in front of my house that I share with Yoongi which happens to be lighting up the darkened sky with flames engulfing it.

"Tae, stop the car!" I shout fearfully, my voice ticking up a few pitches. I barely recognize the feeling of him slamming on the brakes as I undo my seatbelt though, racing out of the car and to the house that I know has the boy I love inside.

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