Chapter 8

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"What the fuck is wrong with you, Yoongi?! You're acting like a damn child anymore!"

My eyes widen with tears trying to blur my vision as I stare at him in utter surprise and heartbreak. Glancing down towards my left forearm, I find the entire thing covered in scorch marks that are slowly licking their way further up my arm. Snapping my gaze back up to the boy that's managed to save me from myself for so long, the boy that somehow wormed his way into my heart. There isn't any love in his eyes anymore, nothing like what I used to see on a daily basis. There's nothing left there but anger and betrayal, shattering any remaining tiny pieces of my heart.

"Kookie, please. I didn't- I-I, I didn't-" I try to mumble out some sort of explanation that this isn't what I had done, that I never meant for any of this to happen in the first place. I can't manage it though, can't even find the words to explain with the amount of self hatred and fear clawing at my throat.

"I'm so tired of your shit, Yoongi. Grow the fuck up already. I'm done trying to fucking help someone who doesn't even fucking care." Jungkook snaps coldly, shaking his head and walking straight past me. My eyes widen at this, reaching out to him before I spot the flame that's engulfed my hand, making me retract it before it can touch him. I'm left to only watch as he goes by, watching as he walks straight into the arms of the new guy that's frequented his café so often already.

"No, please! Kookie, don't!-"

"Please, no!"

I barely feel any words coming out of my mouth as I snap into an upright position, panic and fear coursing through my entire being at this point. I flinch mildly at the feeling of a hand being laid against my back, and I spin my head around just long enough to figure out it's merely Jungkookie.

The sight doesn't completely calm me down yet though, terrified of what I'd seen in the nightmare as I yank my left sweater sleeve upwards frantically. My entire body eases when I find that it's merely the small burn that I'd made with the lighter before the younger got home, not my entire arm scorched to ruins like in the dream.

"Yoonie, what's wrong? Baby, what happened?" Jungkook murmurs softly from behind me as I feel him sit upright. He reaches his arm around my waist in the process, leaning into me gently.

"Yoonie? Baby, are you-... Yoongi, what'd you do?"

His voice easily turns from gentle and comforting to distant and upset, making my heart race as I realize what I've just done. My eyes widen as I look over to him as he slowly pulls away, pouty lips parted as I look up at him.

"Kookie, I..." I can't even manage to find the words to explain, not sure how the hell I'm supposed to explain that I hadn't even thought I'd be hurt this badly over how he treated me at the café until it had already happened.

"Yoongi, you weren't even near the kitchen when I came home and those flames would've been too big for you to... You used the lighter, didn't you?" Jungkook questions, tone solemn and unhappy. I can't manage to find the words or even the courage to nod as I feel tears stream down my cheeks, terrified of how he's acting at the moment.

"Kookie, please. You-you know me. You know I don't realize it's happened until it's already done. I-I didn't even realize I was that tempted." I cry softly, trying to find a way to somehow explain my mistake. He sighs and shakes his head though, and the look on his face scares the hell out of me.

"Yoongi, where's the lighter?" Jungkook asks quietly as he looks back up at me.

It feels like everything stops at the question, intentions slowly sinking in. I can't even feel the tears flooding my cheeks at this point, horror filling my body.

"No. Kookie, no." I whisper, slowly shaking my head without removing my gaze from him.

He knows me. He knows my attachment to the lighter. He knows better than this. He knows how well I handle someone trying to take it from me. Even the hospital in all the two and a half years I spent there couldn't take it away without me freaking out and breaking down. I can't even count how many times they tried to take it from me within the first year I was there before finally giving up with attempting to keep it from me. I could barely function without it close. He knows. He knows I can't part from it. He knows it's my only connection I have left to my mother.

"Yoongi, where is the lighter?" Jungkook asks again, tone much firmer this time. I can feel my lips trembling uncontrollably at this, shaking my head once more.

"Kookie, no. You can't. You know this." I choke out, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he's actually trying to do this right now.

"Damn it, Yoongi! Come on. Where the hell is the lighter? You obviously can't be trusted to keep it around you right now considering you're now even using that to burn yourself!" Jungkook exclaims angrily, frustration evident in his voice. All I can do is stare and shake my head though, not understanding what's gotten into him.

"Kookie, you know I can't." I whimper sadly.

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