Chapter 12

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Sitting on the front step of the building, I managed to convince Jin to let me just skip my morning classes and attend the afternoon ones today. Granted, I didn't attend a single class, but if I don't show up out here to meet up with Hobi then they'll know that's what happened and I genuinely just don't feel like dealing any of that. I did have to agree to the four of us all hanging out after Hobi gets out of classes in order to be able to get out of classes, and I don't think I've ever dreaded having to see my friends.

"Hey, babe. How're you holding up?"

I look up at the sound of Hobi's voice, pouting a bit in the process before standing. I don't bother trying to respond, knowing I just don't have it in me today. Not today of all days.

I earn a small frown at my lack of responding, spotting the worried gaze in his eyes as he reaches up to rub my back gently.

"It's gonna be okay, babe. We're all here for you." Hobi murmurs softly, though it doesn't provide much comfort for me and it doesn't seem to provide him with much of it either. We end up falling into silence after that, the walk to wherever he's chosen to lead me to today feeling longer than what it probably should. However, mild panic rises when I spot the little shop we seem to be going into, knowing it's the café that Kookie works at.

"Hobi, what are you doing? I don't- I can't go in there." I manage to whisper out fearfully, stopping us before we can actually reach the door. His gaze turns saddened as he looks over at me, still rubbing my back gently.

"There's no saying he's working there right now, babe. Wednesday's were his days off anyways, weren't they? Jin hyung and Jiminie are already in there and you loved this place long before he started working here." Hoseok responds softly, watching as I reluctantly nod at his question.

"We wouldn't have chose here if it weren't for the fact that Wednesday's have been his day off for years, okay?" He comforts gently before leading us inside. However, my heart bungee jumps in my chest when I glance over at the counter, knees nearly giving out when I find Jungkook coming out from the back with his apron on and moving to open up the second register.

"Fucking hell. Come here, let's get you in back with Jimin and Jin hyung. I can go up and order for all of us." Hobi mutters quietly, moving his arm so that it's around my waist to better support me before leading us back to where the two others are sat waiting for us.

When we near them, I can already see the concern filling their eyes as they watch Hobi nearly half drag me to the table. I can feel the tears soaking my cheeks, but I can't manage to stop them even when he sets me down with Jin hyung. Jin just wraps an arm around me, pulling me into his side as I try to stay quiet and try to stop the tears. Hobi leaves though, heading back towards the counter and getting in the longer line that Kookie isn't working so that he can order us all our food and drinks.

Though, I find myself gazing over to the younger that'll probably never be mine ever again. I catch his eyes widen slightly when he spots Hobi in line for his coworker, not missing it when his eyes begin scanning the room. I'm surprised by the action, pain and guilt filling me when his eyes finally meet mine before he drops his gaze back down to the register before him and the people he's serving. It's only then that I let my gaze fall as well, heart shattering all over again as I curl further into Jin hyung's side.

Hoseok soon returns to the table with everyone's food, setting food down in front of everyone including me before taking his seat next to Jimin. He gives me a saddened and worried look every few seconds when I don't reach for my food or even the chopsticks, but I ignore it. All I can really seem to do is stare down at the food sat in front of me for a while before I find myself looking back over to where the younger boy is working.

Just like what'd happened everyday last week, the new guy soon walks in and approaches Jungkook's station where he's working. All I do is watch, not really being able to do much else, not really caring to pay any attention to the conversation the three boys I'm sat with are having. My heart feels like it just keeps on shattering over and over again though, watching as Jungkook soon handing the boy a drink without even making him pay before the two begin chatting up a storm despite Jungkook still working.

Eventually though, it all becomes too much for me.

Heaving a small sigh, I move out of the booth and stand up. I manage to instantly catch the three boys' attentions at this, but I merely shake my head at them before making my way to the door. I can't help myself as I look back over at Jungkookie one last time though, surprise and hurt filling me when I find him glancing just shortly in my direction. I ignore that as well though, knowing that I really don't have any chance with him anymore, knowing he really is gone and probably for good.

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