Chapter 4

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"Kookie, where've you been?" I question in a soft whimper as I walk into the coffee shop. There, I spot the new guy stood at the counter with him again, though he looks over at me and glares.

"Haven't you figured it out by now? He's tired of you. You're an asshole for making him suffer over something your grown ass can't get over. Jungkookie deserves to get a full night of sleep and have someone who really loves him, not some selfish clingy asshole like you. Did you really think he still loved you by now? Come on, man. Nobody could ever love your fucked up ass." The new guy scoffs in anger.

I stumble back in surprise, feeling as though I just took the hardest possible punch to the gut without even having been touched. Swallowing thickly, I look over to Jungkook with tears in my eyes.

"Kookie? Is that really true?" I ask weakly, feeling more defeated than I have in years.

The younger just stays silent though, not saying anything at all. I watch him in fear, afraid that this really may be the final time. The new guy just smirks though, and I can feel my heart physically cracking as he leans over the counter and kisses Jungkook right on the lips.

"No!" I scream, jolting upright frantically. Looking around me, I realize I'm still in bed and that it had just been a dream.

I hear the faintest of sighs before feeling a hand on my back, and my heart sinks even further. Glancing to the clock on my bedside table, it's only two thirty in the morning. I whimper at the sight, curling forward into myself as I feel the onslaught of tears begin to hit.

"Yoongi hyung, it's okay. Calm down. It was just a dream, baby." Jungkook murmurs softly.

My heart breaks even more at this, hearing just how tired he is in his voice. Shaking my head to myself, I push myself away from him and crawl out of bed. I make sure to grab my phone for its alarm for the morning before beginning to make my way towards the bedroom door.

"Yoongi, where are you going?" Jungkook asks, sounding much more awake now.

"I'm gonna sleep on the couch for the rest of the night, Kookie. Just go back to sleep." I mumble, trying hard not to whimper as I look back at him with tears still falling relentlessly. He just sighs and flops back on the bed though, and I feel even more defeated than I had when I'd woken up.

Whimpering softly to myself, I make my way over to the couch in our living room, plopping down on the furniture weakly. Sniffling quietly, I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and unfold it before tossing it out over myself.

Laying down, it's only seconds before I'm curling up in a small ball on the cushions, sobbing as quietly as I can.

I don't think I've ever been this afraid of losing him before. I mean, I was terrified going into this because I was afraid I'd hurt him somehow or that he'd get tired of me too quickly. But now... Now it seems like we may not even make it to our fourth anniversary in a week and a half. Now, it feels as though this new guy really could take him away from me.

I choke back sob after sob as I curl further into a ball, the pain from burning my hand and forearm long forgotten. At this point, it's my chest that hurts. My chest and my head, it's where all of the pain centers around as I continue crying. My heart aches with the fear of losing him, chest tightening from the panic attack that's set in. My head hurts from all of the crying that I've done, headache forming from all of the thoughts and worries flooding my mind.

Forcing myself to take some deep breaths, I try to calm down so that I can at least get some sort of sleep tonight before class in the morning again.

It takes longer than what I'd want it to, but eventually I've calmed down to nothing more than quiet cries as I wrap myself further up in the blanket. I can soon feel my body feel more like dead weight, exhaustion beginning to set in as I let my eyes fall shut. Huffing softly to myself, the blanket doesn't provide as much warmth as having Jungkookie with me, but as darkness slowly takes over all of my senses, I care less and less about the coldness seeping in.

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