Chapter 6

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Sitting on the front steps of the college building, I stare down at the lighter in front of me that's in my hands. I can barely see my fingertips thanks to my giant sweater, but I'm certainly not complaining after the guilt that's eaten me up all day from my conversation with Kookie this morning.

"Hey, hyung! Ready to go?" Hobi asks as he stops beside of me. I merely nod as I slip the lighter back into my jeans pocket and stand, following with him for us to head off towards the coffeeshop.

"Everything okay? You seem a little quiet today." Hoseok asks softly as he looks over at me worriedly. I bite my lip as I look back down to my right hand that's still wrapped up from the night before. With a small sigh, I lift my hand up and pull my sleeve back enough for him to see the length of the bandages.

"Oh, Yoongi. I'm so sorry, babe. Does Jungkook know yet?" Hoseok responds gently, taking my uninjured hand in his to comfort me.

"Yeah. He found me on the couch this morning and noticed it was bandaged. He... he didn't come home until a little after eleven, Hobi. He-he said he lost track of time and must not've really woken up with me in the middle of the night when I told him I was gonna sleep on the couch to avoid bothering him." I choke out, still feeling extremely guilty.

"Hey, it's okay, hyung. He took it alright, didn't he?" Hoseok asks, tone soothing to try and calm me down. I purse my trembling lips, shaking my head a bit.

"He wasn't happy, Seok. He said that I should probably just stay out of the kitchen for a few weeks so that I wouldn't be tempted to do something like this again. He said he'd talk to his boss so that he'd be able to leave earlier so that he could make sure I wouldn't do something stupid like this again. He-he seemed so numb and frustrated when he realized why my hand was wrapped up this morning, Hobi." I whisper weakly, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

Hobi pulls me into a side hug as we near the coffeeshop though, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"I'm sure he was just a little stunned, babe. Don't read too much into it, okay? You know he only wants the best for you, just as you do for him." He says softly, releasing me as we reach the door to the shop.

I just shrug at this as we enter, not really believing him too much.

Glancing over to the counter where Jungkook works, we both lock eyes for a moment. However, unlike what normally happens, there's no smile to go along with his gaze. No smile to greet me, no cute little wave like he'd always do, no untying of his apron to come take his break with us, no nothing.

Biting my lip lightly, I hang my head a bit as I make way towards the counter while Hobi goes to grab our seats.

"Kookie, please. I'm really sorry about what I did. I tried so hard not to do anything, I tried to wait for you for dinner in attempt not to risk anything. You know me, baby, you know I didn't know what I was doing until it was too late." I tell him with tears filling my eyes. The younger shakes his head at me though.

"If you were really trying, hyung, you wouldn't have done anything. You were clean for how long now? You just threw all of that time away. Nearly four years, and you threw it all in the trash. I know you've still been having nightmares, but I really thought you were over those urges and had more self control than that." Jungkook says in a somewhat cold tone.

"Kookie, what's going on here? Do you know this guy? Is he bothering you?" An unfamiliar deep voice speaks up. I look over to my side to find the new guy approaching us, and my heart sinks even further than it already had been.

"It's nothing, Tae. Chill. He's just a friend that I have in a couple classes. We were just talking over one of the homework's." Jungkook responds in a calmer tone as he gives the new guy a small smile.

My heart shatters into oblivion at his words, not understanding any of this. Jungkook glances towards me with seeming mild annoyance, only breaking my heart even more.

"Just a friend... Right... Okay." I whisper more to myself than anything before turning and numbly making my way back to Hobi. He's got a worried expression on his face, standing and engulfing me into a hug as soon as I'm within arms reach.

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