Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV

"Have you gotten him out?! What the hell happened?!" I question as soon as I reach the group of police officers that are stood back while the firemen continue trying to put the fire out.

"Gotten who out, son? We never got any indication that there was a person inside." One of the men responds with a frown. I groan weakly at the explanation, pushing my way past both the officers and the firemen, making my way into the burning house.

Coughing almost instantly, I start looking around frantically for Yoongi, knowing he has to be in here. There wouldn't be any other way this house could've caught on fire.

"Hyung!" I scream at the top of my lungs, wandering quickly through the kitchen and living room area before checking next to the bedroom. I highly doubt he'd have been in the bathroom in order to have done this, needing lots of flammable items around him in order to have done this much damage before the firemen could get here if they're still trying to put it out by this point.

Sure enough, I manage to spot a figure on the bed despite the smoke darkening the room heavily. It's the flame of the fire that allows me the sight to the elder, and I push past the pain and heat as I hurry to his side where he's laid on the bed. I can feel the sobs racking through my body by now as I drag his body off the bed as quickly as possible. Terrified for the boy I've loved for more than four years, I heft him up into my arms and run out of the house as fast as I possibly can.

Thankfully, by the time I've rushed out the front door once more, there's men with a stretcher racing up to me. I don't hesitate in laying him down on the bed, following closely behind them as they take him back to the ambulance and begin to load him in.

Breathing heavily as I look back at the burning structure, it's just seconds before the entire thing collapses and crumbles to the ground. By the time I'm climbing in back with Yoongi, the firemen have managed to put most of what's left of the fire out. I just tear my gaze away from it though, sitting down next to the elder and watching as the men in the vehicle begin doing things that I can barely comprehend. All I can really do is scan over the boy laid unconsciously in front of me and take in the damage that's been done.

Though, before I can even really do that, I'm quickly made aware of the lighter that had still been in his hand as it gets taken out.

"Wait! I need that, please." I speak up worriedly, reaching my hand out for it without any hesitation. The two men in back with me look at me in confusion and doubt, slowly shaking their heads.

"No, we're fairly sure this must've been what caused the fire and it's best that he no longer be near it or have access to it." One of them says slowly. I shake my head though, tears welling up in my eyes.

"No, please. You don't understand, I need that. He'll go fucking mad without it. Please, he needs that to fucking function properly." I beg, gaze fixed on the lighter that Yoongi's held close to him for over ten years now.

"Young man, do you have any idea just how much that shows-"

"Fuck off! You wouldn't understand! Please, we need that! It's his only connection to his mother anymore! You can't take that from him!" I nearly whine, beginning to feel the tears starting to fall all over again, terrified that they really are going to ruin him this way.

The man with the lighter sighs though, shaking his head as he reluctantly drops it into my outstretched hand. I let out a sigh of relief as I wrap my hand around it, retracting my hand and holding it close to my chest for a moment as I try to calm down.

As much as I hate to admit it and hate the fact that he has to have the lighter, this lighter, I know he really will fall apart without it. I don't know that I'd have been able to get him back out of the hospital if he were never able to get this back.

Pocketing the damned device, I feel a tiny shaky smile form on my lips as I stare down at the boy in front of me.

There's small parts at the edges of his hair that are clearly singed, and he's got nasty looking burns that covers his hand and part way up his forearm that's revealed by thanks to the burnt sweater sleeve and he's got what looks like a thin layer of soot that's just covering him at this point, but he really doesn't look all that burnt thankfully.

It doesn't make me feel any better though. With the lighter obviously in his hand, there's no questioning what caused the fire. My only question would have to be how he got it to spread so quickly. And I know it's my fault. If it were any other day, any other circumstance, I'd be able to question if there were at least another factor into it, but it's not. This isn't any regular old day, not any regular circumstance.

This is Yoongi, this is the night of what was supposed to be our anniversary that I know he loves celebrating, a night that would've been spent celebrating if I hadn't left, if I had come home to him sooner.

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