Chapter 2

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"Hey, hyung. How's things going?"

I look up from the lighter in my hand, finding Hobi walking in my direction. I push myself off the wall of the building, slipping the lighter back into my pocket.

"Same old, same old. How're you doing?" I respond quietly, walking over to him and matching his pace.

We always meet up after our last class and head off to the coffee shop nearby. It's the same one that Kookie works at, but it had actually been one Hobi and I had really first found when wandering the streets around campus before Kookie ever moved up here.

"I'm doing pretty good. I took Jiminie out for dinner last night to celebrate our three year anniversary, and needless to say it was a good night and a good morning today. How are you and Jungkook doing?" Hobi says contently as we make our way into the coffee shop. I smile at the mention of the younger, glancing towards the counter where he's usually working.

However, my smile falters a bit when I spot him in the cheeriest of moods while chatting up some guy on our side of the counter. I bite my lip gently as I look away from the interaction, trying not to let it get to me.

"We're doing alright. I'm still waking up in the middle of the night and he's still comforting me back to sleep. I still feel guilty for waking him up every night and he still says not to worry about that. Same old, same old honestly." I mumble as we move to take a seat.

Hobi gives a small frown before smiling gently, reaching out over the table and taking my hand in his.

"I know it's hard, hyung, but it'll be okay. You have no idea the improvements you've made over these last couple years. I'm sure Jungkook really doesn't mind just as he says. You should learn not to worry so much." Hobi counters in a gentle tone before retracting his hand.

I bite my lip with a shrug, looking back over to my boyfriend that's working the counter of the shop. My heart sinks a bit more as I realize just how in depth of a conversation they must be having, considering the two boys are still talking animatedly with seemingly no end in sight.

"You know I'll never stop worrying, Hobi. I was told way too many times in the span of two years that I wouldn't be able to survive in the real world if I don't learn to let go of the fire. That I wouldn't last long in public around people with how attached I grew to the flame. I've been told that way too many times to not worry about losing him because of it too. I know he hates getting woken up in the middle of the night, even if he still does all he can to help me every night. I know he grew tired of it a while back, and I've done everything I can to get it to go away but it won't. I've gone to therapy, I've tried being prescribed medicine, but none of it works. He'll get tired of me soon, even if I do continue to manage to keep my urges suppressed." I tell him, gaze still locked on my boyfriend who's so happily conversing with the new boy despite it being his break time.

"Have you told him about them?" Hoseok asks curiously, causing a bitter smile to form.

"I told him about the one about him. That's the only one he knows about." I murmur, missing and longing for a boy who's physically not so far away.

"Hyung, let him be. I'm sure he's just making a new friend. He probably bonded with the guy over anime or some shit. I'm sure it's nothing." Hoseok says, catching onto where my attention truly lies.

I purse my lips at his words, casting my gaze the other way and out the window to the other side of us.

"I know." I whisper, looking down to the table between us.

I know he's right. Kookie's probably just making a new friend. It's really probably nothing to be worried about. I can't help but worry though. Jungkook always comes and sits with us when we get here because he always puts his break off until we get here so that he can hang with us before getting back to work. It's not like the time that we get here by really fluctuates that much either. He knows our timing.

Yet... I haven't seen him glance once at the clock on the wall to see if we came in yet, and he certainly doesn't seem to have any intentions of coming over to hang with us anytime soon as I soon find him beginning to go back to taking orders while still conversing with this new guy.

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