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Noah was an interesting person, at least to other people. He didn't really care for gender or sexuality, no one is quite sure how to respond to him. Half of them met him when he wasn't going by any gender, some of them as a girl and if they are lucky, a guy. He made it easy by telling them that it was okay to just use male nouns, he didn't mind.

And he didn't, it was his biological sex, he sees no point on making it difficult. He's comfortable with it, familiar with the nouns. But the thing was, even though he hated to think of them, people didn't like him or his uncaring ways with gender. Having slurs thrown at him was common, getting shoved was also common. He just moved on from the accidents, ignoring them. This time he couldn't exactly do that.

As he held his sides, he coughed up blood. He kinda wanted to laugh, he always joked silently whenever he read a reincarnation story that he would greet Truck-sama willingly when he came for him. Who would have thought someone would helped him? "Your favorite-" he coughed painfully, "kid is gonna be just like me...Bitch."

The famous last words of a young man, many people told the news. The horrifying scene of the boy dying was remembered for many things. For the young woman who pushed him, it was the last words he spoke. The curse he set on her family.

She could only puke when she was told by her older sister that her nephew was one of them while she still sat in prison. Her nightmares got worse and worse. A beautiful boy with blood coming out of his mouth never failed to show up.

☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

Noah didn't know how long he sat there until he figured that he could make anything he wanted to appear. But soon, he had a whole library of finished or partly finished books. A lot of them were fan fiction and the brilliant thing was that it had stuff that he didn't even remember. He couldn't make movies, but music was more than willing to fill up the silence. He had a lot of fun in that space.

One day or night, he wasn't quite sure how long he had been there. Someone finally showed up. It was an elf, who looked like they had no sleep for days and their sanity is non-existing. He felt pity for the poor man. "Hello, are Noah Walker?"

"Yes, I am," Noah held out his hand with a smile. "And you are?"

The elf shook it quickly before he brought out a file. "Okay, you have three choices, get judged, move on or the wheel?" Three bright orbs appeared, Noah looked at them with interest. "When you get judged, you can go to heaven or hell. Moving on lets your soul reincarnated without your memories, so the next time you might get a better chance at being judged. The Wheel judges you and gives you a set of spins."

Noah looked at the three orbs, before grabbing the middle one. The Elf raised an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything as it started to cover Noah's body. After it flowed from him and formed into a wheel that had a five on top. Noah looked at it, trying to see what it said, but nothing was there. "Just spin, it says what you get."

Noah sighed, before he decided he's already this far, what's the point of dragging it on. He kissed each hand before he tightly grip it and spun. He watched the five change to four as it slowed to a stop.

~ Congrats!! You get to choose your next world and keep your memories!!~

Noah almost wanted to complain about the disgustingly sweet voice, but he didn't want to chance the wheel having feelings. So he thanked it politely and spun it again. Once he watched the number change and it slowing down to a stop.

~Wow! A system is your new companion! Meet the adorable 007!~

Noah felt like sweatdropping at the pleased tone, it was just asking for praises. He knows it from his little sister who loved to be praised, his heart twisted painfully at the thought of her. He smiled brightly before petting it, "amazing, thank you again!"

The elf looked unimpressed, but said nothing about it. The poor wheel had enough abuse by others, it deserves the small praises it gets from the too few genuine nice spirits they had to deal with. Even if it screws the favor in their direction a little too much. Maybe they can get fired, they could retire to a nice island that had great wifi. What a nice goal.

The elf pulled out their kindest system, wondering if their partner was really okay giving it to this spirit. The fluff ball powered on with a quiet whirl, flew towards Noah who caught it just before it crashed into him. "Hello! Host, its nice to meet you!"

"Hey, Double-O Seven," Noah grinned as it cuddled his hand like a cat would rub their head against it. "Do you wanted to spin the wheel?"

It squealed before it grew two small arms and spun the wheel so hard that it got stuck and spun with the handle. Noah panicked. The Elf panicked. The Wheel panicked. 007 laughed as it got spun in fast circles. When the wheel stopped, Noah quickly removed it to the disappointment of 007 and relieved sighs of the others.

~Ah, you get the voices of angels~ This time the wheel lost its upbeat voice and was still a bit shaken by what happened.

"I will spin again!" 007 yelled as it reached for the handle.

"NO!" The poor system was so startled by the yells that he crashed into the wheel. After Noah picked him up and didn't let him go. Noah had firmly decided that there was no way the system was a girl, it just had that feeling of being a boy.

Noah ignored the way 007 pouted as he spun it.

~A special package!~

Noah almost let the system go as a big package appeared. He saw a tag that had To: 007 before it disappear, making him look at the wheel with a small glare. He spun it again, a still pouting 007 in his arm, trying to reach the wheel with no success.

~Two extra spins~

Noah smirked, he knew that the package wasn't for him! But he didn't say anything about it. "Okay, Double-O we spin together." It was difficult but they made it work.

The last two he got a couple thousand points and a bottle of life saving water. He said goodbye to the elf and the wheel, who was apparently the mom of 007. Suddenly the care package was adorable and sweet. Not that he would say that out loud.

☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

Noah already had the world he wanted to go to. So the two left soon after.

'Heh, better be prepared, Vincent Storm! I am gonna turn you into the hero you should have been! Not the loser best friend that was forgotten!' He thought determined.

Reincarnated: Help The Loser!Where stories live. Discover now