Chapter Ten

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Noah forgot something very important in his rush to get here. The novel had three chapters about it too, it was where the Main Character met a couple of his supporting leads and one of his Female leads. Noah looked at the map with teary eyes.

Only one building was glowing gold, The SeaBed, also known as one of the worst place to stay in, but- everything was booked! They had only one choice,  Noah looked down as he held out one hand. "Seven! Grow!"

Seven made an odd happy yip, jumping out of his carrier, glowing brightly. After the light died down, a giant seven foot tall fluff monster took his place. Noah hopped on and held onto the collar which grew with Seven. "Onwards! Over the buildings!"

Noah immediately let out a scream when Seven flew up, his hands had almost let go of the leather. Ice encased his hands, so Noah didn't have to worry about.

In five different places, all around the city, there was other people aiming for the same motel. Determined to get a room at SeaBed.


Oscar Owens didn't think that all of the hotels would be booked. He knew that the Exam was a huge event, but still. It's just a test at the end of the day! He ignored the looks he got as he jumped over a pile of boxes. His eyes looking at the street signs. Come on, come on, Oceania street! Where are you?!

[Turn left on Fin Street] He stumbled as he turned around to go back. His eye twitched, he needed to get a new phone, this was the second time it had lagged in giving him directions. [Continue until Oceania Street.]

He slowed to a stop, leaning on the wall next to him while panting heavily. A quick look at his phone, showed him that he was only a couple blocks away from Sea bed. Rubbing his neck, he decided that walking was enough for now.

His head snapped to the side as a large white Beast dropped to the ground. And riding it was a beautiful young woman with piercing golden eyes, framed by long black lashes. Her wavy hair was black and long, Oscar wasn't too sure if it was dehydration or she was just that gorgeous, but he was already to drop dead.

"Alright, Double-O, straight down this road and SeaBed should be right there!" She pointed at the street where Oscar was turning on. For a brief second, golden eyes met hazel eyes and understanding past through both pairs as they took off.

Oscar's sneakers pushed against the pavement, shooting him forward. A burst of flames helping him to go even more forward. Oscar noticed four other dots, all rushing towards Sea Bed. A rough, small hand jerked him up by the shirt, before he was sitting on the softest fur he ever felt.

His arms wrapped around the woman with his hands directly touching the warm, soft skin and muscle because she had a slightly cropped top. His mind went blank as he wrapped his magic into a ball, so it wouldn't dare try to reach out and bond with hers. That was highly inappropriate and rude.  No matter how tempting it was. Oscar isn't that type of guy.

Even though they were riding a large Beast, the others still made it at the door with them. Oscar mentally noted down how the Beast shrunk down to a small dog size. "I would like to book a room, please!" Five different voices yelled out. Only one yelled out something different, "I am here for my room!"

They all looked back to the woman with her hair swept back, her phone out with a email confirming her booking. She took this time to go to the terrified teenager who was working the front. She sent him a small smile as she set her phone. "Here's my information, my card and ID, I was wondering about your wifi? Is it open? Or did I need to get a password? If I need to pay extra, just add it to my bill, please."

"..o-okay, um, we got regular wifi or you can pay a extra ten for premium wifi," he told her with a red face. Oscar shoved his way to the front, not noticing the pretty girl in the back. In another world, he would have helped her, so she would be first. Instantly gaining her affection and heart.

This one, he was too busy fighting and arguing with the others.


Vincent held X close to his chest as the sun went down. Unlike the other five, he knew that the hotels would be booked and packed from other test takers and visitors. He just didn't have the money for a hotel. Instead,  he was planning on finding a place to sleep and hope he doesn't get in trouble with the law or with the local homeless people.

He looked away warily as he settled down on a log. 'Hey, its going to be fine! With the Great X, you will definitely pass the test and then we can become rich! We will have endless bugs to eat and a warm bed to sleep on! No need to go to the islands in winter time!'

He grinned down at him, feeling warm despite the cold wind. "Yeah, we will! When we do, we can help my home become even better! A duo like us can change the world."

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