Chapter Four

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Noah had hoped that any potential dance partners had decided that it was too dangerous to ask him again. He almost thought he got away from it. He was sitting there, all innocent and clueless of the predator that had his eyes on him. Eating some sort of cookies while he talked with a group of young ladies.

Noah felt his stomach drop when the ladies got that look in their eyes, one he was so painfully familiar with. His old school friends and sisters used to get it whenever a hot boy or girl came near him, always ready to play matchmaker with him. To push him into the cold, unforgiving pond called young love.

Turning, he was prepared to book it, but it appears like the predator was skilled as it blocked his only exit. Curses, why did the ladies sit in such a crowded place? He smiled at Simon, the no good attention stealing brat from long ago. (Maia was still bitter and Noah can respect that grudge, he had decided it was his duty to carry it on. As Simon did nothing to help it over the years after that faithful day.) "Hello, Simon."

"Maia, happy birthday," Simon nodded at him before greeting the others, who giggled as they excused themselves. He looked back at him, a hand held out with so much grace that Noah almost glared at him. How dare he! So graceful! So handsome! This is illegal somewhere no doubt! "May I have this dance, Maia?"

Noah gently set his hand in Simon's as he agreed with a beautiful smile. Noah was going to out fancy him in this dance. Outshine the fucker if you will. "Yes, you may."

Simon brought him out on the floor, hands and eyes where they should be. A strong stance too, Noah knew it was going to be tough to keep the lead. But damn him if he doesn't do his best. Noah kept his eyes only on Simon as the music started.


They were a sight to see, a possible strong couple in the future. Not the matching most tonight thought would've happened. Maia Rhea was a bit unknown to the public, fading into the shadows quietly while her brothers took the spotlight. Tonight was the most they had seen her smile and heard her voice.

While Simon Charles was well known and liked, a lot of girls his age had their eye on him as a potential husband. Powerful magic, a respectful family background and very handsome. But most had backed away after his announcement of becoming an Adventurer.

A career that had a fairly high death toll, one most never retired from old age. As much as the money and respect a female can gain from marrying him. The thought of being scorned and looked down upon if he died was frightening, the chance was too big of a risk. Only three types of people would try to date him now, those who have a higher standing, people that actually like him or a shameless gold digger.

Maia had the highest standing easily, it will be impossible for a female to be higher than her. In fact, Simon might be the one looked at sideways by others. The crowd looked at the closest male Rhea near them, wondering how they are reacting to their Princess dancing with Simon.

The only one smiling was Rhodes, the third brother, who was standing next to the second oldest. Damian, missing his forever polite smile as he stared hard at the idiot who never failed to gain his beloved sister's anger. Rhodes looked at them, enjoying the way his brother was losing control.

All of them were idiot, he snorted as he caught the sight of his baby brother huffing and puffing by the food. Their baby was growing up for a long time now, she's bound to fly away from the nest like the rest of them. "Tch, calm down now. You are going to ruin the moment."

He eyed the couple dancing, ruining the moment will probably take more than angry grumbling and glares. The two were in their own world. Staring into each other's eyes, seemingly lost into each other like lovers reunited after forever and a day. Looking closer, he couldn't help but notice something that was hard to catch.

They were fighting for the lead.

He smirked as Maia switched it into her favor. "Ah, young love." He snickered into his drink.


Noah was sure how long they dance, but song after song with no breaks, they continued on. By the end, there was no way that Simon didn't know that they were fighting for the lead. As the music ended, they both bowed gracefully, beads of sweat rolling down their forehead. "Thank you for the wonderful dance, Simon."

"And thank you for accepting," he nodded as he was about to walk away, he turned his head. "I won."

Noah could only smile, his brow wanting to twitch wildly at the comment. "Given the fact that I had the lead last, I believe I had won." He told him quietly, a gentle smile on his face as the crowd looked at them.

Simon turned around and took a couple steps until he was able to lean over and whisper in his ear. "I had the lead forty-five times and you had it forty-four times, I won." Smugness and a taunting tone in his voice was all too clear for Noah not to hear it.

Noah giggled and pat him on the chest. "I am still prettier than you."

"Debatable," he grabbed Noah's hand and kissed it lightly. Before finally stepping back. "I believe it's time for you to go back up there. Until next time."

Noah nodded at him and started his way towards the stage. His father was already making a speech, his brothers standing behind him. All lined up. She couldn't help but look at the shoes of her brothers. Rhodes had a bit more..heel to his, the only one out of the family who never reached 6'. Noah find it hilarious how much shit he gets from the others because of it.

Once again, Noah faces the Party. Unfortunately, not to talk but to sing. His eyes finding the hidden Double O-Seven by the presents. "I don't have much to say, I didn't have anything planned for a second speech. So, I hope you didn't mind me singing."

Noah totally had another speech planned, but the mission forced him to change it into a song. One he doesn't have. God fluffing dammit.

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