Chapter Eleven

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Two days later, Noah stood in front of the crowd, years of Black Friday sale shopping have given him the experience to shove his way to the front. Instead of trying to read everything, he took pictures of the five lists before shoving his way out again.  Sitting down, he started to look through the photos. The surprise was clear on his face when he didn't need to move on to the next photo.

At number One, Maia Rhea sat there innocently. Seven who was getting impatient, forced the phone to face him. An unimaginable squeal escaped from his throat, "Maia! MAIA! YOU PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS!"

Quickly covering his mouth, Noah looked around. Already people were whispering and yelling, talking about Maia Rhea, the woman who took first place with a solid 100. "Maia?! That's the name of the chick who got first place!!"

"Bet she's an old lady."

"No doubt an ugly bookworm."

Noah laughed nervously as he looked at the person closest to him, "you heard that too, right? Sounded really close too." He didn't care about their reply as he left the crime scene. Sweat going down his face, no! Please, don't put a target on my back!

Just as he was turning off the street where the exam hall sat on, he was pulled into a black car with tainted windows. Seven bit the smooth hands that held onto his host. No way! His host isn't getting kidnapped on his watch. "Fuck! Maia, control your animal! Let go, you mindless beast!"

"Simon! You moron! What the hell are you doing?!" Noah kicked him away, not too gentle as he glared at the blond bastard. Straighten out his shirt, he moved closer to the door, noticing that the car was parked. He sneered at Simon, who was holding his hand. "Seven is not a mindless beast, he reacted perfectly given the circumstances."

"He bit me, for God's sake!" He held up his hand, showing the marks. Noah coughed lightly, holding Seven closer, still not feeling guilty about it. Simon pulled him into his car like he was kidnapping him. He deserves it, this isn't some kind of novel or TV show. You don't just take someone without  expecting them to fight back.

"Why did you kidnapped me? You could have texted me," Noah ignored Seven's growls which were a lot deeper than his regular voice.

Simon leaned back, his green eyes glaring at the little devil before going back to Maia's eyes. "I was wondering how you got first place when you never got first place in school rankings." He told him, wrapping the wound in a handkerchief from his suit. "You owe me a Thetfordia Water Spider Silk handkerchief."

"Why are you wearing that to a Ranking reveal? It's not even the final, what are you planning to wear then? A golden thread suit?"  Noah snapped back, he remembered that Simon was going to be first place and then fifth place in the final results. He remembered the feeling of shock that Simon always wore clothes that cost over 30,000 dollars. It was a thing that he does.

"It is none of your business, now tell me how you got first place."  Simon leaned back, legs crossed. Noah hated the fact he was so pretty with his blond hair and his green eyes. Ugh. It makes him sick. (So goddamn pretty,  he's too gay for this.)

"I answered the questions, correctly," he lift up his head snottily. Simon glared at him harshly, making Seven growl as he shift around, ready to attack again. The blond sniffled as he looked away, his hand tightened on the bloodied handkerchief.  "Don't worry, Seven is clean and got his shots."

Noah hopped out, nodding to the guards in the black suits. The little system glared at them from his carrier as if they were the ones who kidnap his little miss.


Vincent sighed in relief when he found his name on top of the very last list. He made it, he really made it. X climbed back and forth between his shoulders in excitement. Sometimes he would breath out puffs of heated smoke.

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