Catch Me If You Can!

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It's a situation where Claude runs
away from Bruno and Lolita because
of his crimes, but they finally catch
Claude for his actions.


   "Okay, Dexter. Just grab it," Claude whispered to his pet monkey, who is suspended on a rope. The monkey nodded, and was about to grab the crown, but Claude sensed something wrong.

   "Wait, Dex. I think there's something wrong here," he whispered, and took an obviously fake copy. "Here, use this." He threw the duplicate of the crown to Dexter. The monkey swiped the real thing and replaced it with the dummy crown.

   Anticipating an alarm, Claude grasped tensely onto the rope. Although, after exactly three seconds, it was still quiet. He huffed a sigh of relief and started pulling his pet monkey up. Everything seemed to Claude that it was going perfectly.

   But then the alarm goes off.

   He looked around, finding the source of the alarm. He then realized that Dexter hit one of the lasers with his tail. Lucky Claude.

   He continued pulling Dexter up, this time, more quicker than ever. This time, Claude was panicking hard. As soon as Dexter was out of the hole, Claude pocketed the crown, carried his friend on his shoulder, and made a run for it.

   "Where do you think you're going?" A female voice rang out behind him. Claude turned around to take a look at the one calling him.

   There were two people standing just a few meters away from him. One was a short female elf, decked out in steel armor in some parts. The rest were protected by leather. The girl wields a hammer almost the same size as her, and it glowed a bright yellow. She is leaning on her hammer with a sly grin on her face.

   The other one was a male human with golden-brown hair, and has a blue visor covering his eyes. He was covered in robotic armor, and was holding an energy ball down with his foot. He had his arms crossed and had a serious look on his face.

   "Ey... Lolita, Bruno... How are you?" Claude sheepishly grinned, "What brings you here?"

   "You, actually," the man named Bruno answered, "Theft is a major offense, you know."

   "And we're gonna catch you this time," the short girl named Lolita added. Claude chuckled and sighed. Dexter laughed as well.

   "Yeah, like the multiple past times as you said," Claude mocked, "You've never caught me before. And you can't do it now. Not now, not ever.

   "We'll see about that," Bruno retorted. Lolita raised her hammer and leaped at Claude. Claude sidestepped to dodge her attack and started making a run for it.

   "He's getting away!" Bruno shouted and ran after him. Lolita then followed.

   A minute later...

   "Where do you think he is?" Lolita asked Bruno. He sighed and rubbed his head.

   "Let's try checking the city triangle," he answered. He tapped on a button on his visor. "Find Claude. Use any means possible to catch him. I need him alive." He let go of the button.

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