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Summary: My own SCP,
and... that's it... No stealing,
though, 'cause it's mine. I
don't know how to put it in
the website. I'll just put it here
for you to see.


Item #: SCP-[###1]

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-[###1] is to be kept in Site-19, kept inside of a box lined with styrofoam, and contained in a three (3) by three (3) by three (3) meter room sealed by a triple-combination, airtight door, with SCP-[###1] emptied prior to recontainment. Three (3) to four (4) armed guards must stand at the entrance. Permission to take out SCP-[###1] must be granted by Level 4 or higher. Anyone who comes in contact with SCP-[###1] must be dosed with a Class C amnestic before thirty (30) minutes of initial contact.

In the case of a containment breach (so far, only one has happened, see Addendum ###1-2), all doors in Site-19 must be sealed. Though this would not stop SCP-[###1]-1 from escaping, it would slow him/her down. Instances of SCP-[###1]-1 must be interrogated and terminated after SCP-[###1] is recontained. Do not try to give any class of amnestics to instances of SCP-[###1]-1, as it would not work. Even with Class A amnestics.

Note: For safety purposes, Dr. Bright should not be granted permission to look at, touch, or use SCP-[###1]. If you're looking for a reason why, it's already obvious.

-Dr. Kondraki


SCP-[###1] is a 1941 U.S. military sniper rifle. It has no discernable properties that will make it look different from a regular U.S. military sniper rifle, except for the words "UBëR-SNIPER" engraved on the nozzle. SCP-[###1] will only activate its anomalous properties when the rifle is loaded with a point-fifty (0.50) caliber bullet. The anomalous properties will still be active even when the gun is empty, as long as a living human touches the rifle. When out of contact, it will revert back to normal.

SCP-[###1] has two anomalous properties. When SCP-[###1] is loaded and fired, it will not fire the loaded bullet, but rather, a red laser beam capable of tearing through anything. Although that the beam cannot be deflected or neutralized, it has a measured range of nine-hundred ninety (990) miles. The bullet will also disappear. Since its initial containment up until ==/==/20==, it has torn through, whether intentional or accidental:

• an oak tree
• a seven (7) inch thick titanium wall
• Dr. Bright (actually, twice)
• a brick wall
• The Earth (I regretted that test)
• a mirror
• a glass of water
• the Moon
• the wall, the ceiling, and roof of Site-19
• SCP-096
• SCP-682
• One (1) Mobile Task Force personnel
• a glass wall
• Ten (10) D-Classes

The second anomalous property of SCP-[###1] is that when a living human touches SCP-[###1], after thirty (30) minutes of initial contact, any human that has touched it will start becoming very aggressive and violent (otherwise known as SCP-[###1]-1). SCP-[###1]-1's irises will change to a deep red hue ten (10) seconds after conversion. SCP-[###1]-1 seems to have magnified strength and agility, but has no regenerative abilities. To date, there is no other way to neutralize SCP-[###1]-1 other than termination. Instances of SCP-[###1]-1 will act aggressive towards unaffected humans, but will not become hostile towards each other. In fact, they will work together to get to SCP-[###1]. It is uncertain to us what the instances will do with SCP-[###1], but it's best not to know for the time being.

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