A Little Talk

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Summary: The Announcer
sits alone at night on a
grassy hill and thinks about
his contestants. One of his
contestants sees him
decides to talk to him.

Note: Anthropomorphized.

Also, there is no love
stuff in this one. I do not ship the
Announcer with anyone



   'I wonder how long it has been...' The Announcer thought as he looked at the sky. 'There were so many contestants, yet there are now the three of them left.' He let out a sigh.

   It was midnight, and the sky was spotted with twinkling stars. He couldn't sleep at all. The moon was full, giving light to the Earth. He was sitting on top of a hill, overlooking a meadow sparsely filled with trees.

   He looked up as to where the Big Dipper used to be. Now, it had the top right part of the rim from the ladle removed. 'I wonder where that star went...' The Announcer thought.

   "Announcery?" A female voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned around and saw Bubble, having a smile on her face as usual. She had dyed light blue hair tied into a bun. She wore a white tank top underneath a translucent light blue off-shoulder blouse. She also wore a light blue skirt that reached up to her knees. She wore white socks and black shoes as well.

   "It's Announcer, Bubble," The Announcer clarified, speaking in an almost monotone voice, "Also, shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Bubble shrugged her shoulders.

   "Um... I couldn't sleep," Bubble answered, her voice in a beautiful accent unknown to humankind, "Can I sit with you?"

   The Announcer raised an eyebrow at her, slightly confused. He returned back to a blank expression soon after. He nodded, motioning for her to sit down. Bubble sat down on the grass.

   "What are you really doing here?" The Announcer asked. Bubble sighed.

   "Like I said. I couldn't sleep," came the reply. She then looked up to the sky. "You?"

   "Same reason." The Announcer looked at the ground and sighed. "Just... a lot on my mind, that's all."

   "Oh." Bubble turned to him. "What things?"

   "You know... The final voting is tomorrow, and, well..." The Announcer sighed, "Dream Island will be given away to the winner. And I..." His face turned grim. "I'll have to leave." Bubble raised an eyebrow at him, having a confused look on her face.

   "What do you mean?" she asked. The Announcer waved his hand dismissively at her.

   "Never mind," he said. He looked back up to the sky. He saw the Big Dipper in the sky, still broken. He turned to Bubble.

   "Hey, Bubble," he said, "Where was that star you took from the Big Dipper?" Bubble stared at the Announcer with a mixture of surprise and confusion on her face.

   "You didn't know? It fell into that black vortex you sold," she answered. The Announcer frowned.

   "Oh." He looked down below the hill. He stared at a funky machine covered in graffiti spray paint, leaking a who-knows-what kind of liquid. He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply.

   There was silence between the two for about half an hour.

   "Hey, Announcery, do you know who'll get Dream Island?" Bubble asked. The Announcer rolled his eyes.

   "Yes. It's obviously not Flower," The Announcer stated, "And it's also not Rocky, either."

   "Isn't that because they're eliminated?"
Bubble asked. The Announcer nodded.

   "That's right, Ms. Captain Obvious." Bubble groaned at his joke. The Announcer let out a soft laugh.

   Both sat in silence for another half hour, as they watched the stars above.


   "Yeah?" She looked at him.

   "Do you ever get the feeling of missing your home?" Bubble looked at him, confused.

   "What do you mean?" Bubble asked.

   "I mean, you probably left yours because of this game," the Announcer said, "Do you... miss your family?"

   Bubble grew solemn. This was the first time this question was asked of her. The silence continued for a while. Finally, the Announcer broke the silence.

   "It's fine if you don't want to—"

   "I-it's okay," Bubble interrupted, "I do, actually. I... don't know what they'll think of me when I get home, though." The Announcer was confused.

   "What do you mean?" he asked. Bubble closed her eyes and sighed.

   "Nothing. Just... don't mind it," she answered. They both continued looking at the stars.

   Suddenly, Bubble yawned.

   "Looks like I'm tired now," she said sleepily. The Announcer nodded.

   "Okay, then. I'll stay here. You go," he said. Bubble raised an eyebrow.

   "Are you sure?" Bubble asked. The Announcer nodded and smiled.

   "Yeah. Goodbye, Bubble," he said. Bubble waved him good night and started going down the hill. The Announcer looked at her and sighed. He then looked back to the stars above.


   Like it? No? Good. I didn't expect you to like it anyway. Now, it's 11 something in the evening... but do I look like I care? No. Also, don't ship them. Please. It's weird.


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