The Search For Lithium

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Pre-AODTPT. Lithium is
nowhere to be seen in the
island for two days, and
Dr. Mendeleyev starts to
get worried. She organizes
a search party to go look
for her.

Spoilers for my other book. Read that first before coming here, please?


   "What do you mean, she's gone?!"

   Dr. Mendeleyev's voice rang through the voice call. Helium and Neon, at the other end, was silent for a moment. Helium was the first to speak.

   "A day ago, I received a... personal... message from Beryllium. Apparently, he said that Lithium has been gone for about a day. He remembers that Lithium mentioned to him that she was going to have a sleepover with Carbon and Oxygen. When he asked them where Lithium was, they said they never had a sleepover.

  "Also, we had some reports from Lanthanum and Actinium that there was a reported speedboat nearby a day ago, about five miles from the island, but they dismissed it as some random stranger from the nearby city.

   "So that's about it. I'd like to believe that either Lithium left on that speedboat, or she's been kidnapped," Helium finished.

   Dr. Mendeleyev blinked. This was the first time she's ever heard of the Nucleidans leaving the island by themselves. She rubbed her temples and tried to think.

   "Okay. I'll talk to Lanthanum and Actinium. Meanwhile, you," she gestures to both of them, "do not speak of this to anyone except the other NGs. Got it?"

   Helium and Neon looked at each other, then back at Dr. Mendeleyev.

   "Yes, doctor," they both said in almost perfect unison.

   "Good." The video call finishes. Helium sighed and turned to Neon.

   "Let's go."


   "Wait, what?"

   Oxygen blinked. There were currently six people sitting in Beryllium's living room. Oxygen, the one talking to said owner of the house, looked frantic and worried. Phosphorus is sitting lazily on the couch with her legs crossed, playing with a lighter. Chromium and Carbon was beside her, the former impatiently checking her watch, and the latter wearing the same face as Oxygen. Nickel sat on a foldable chair, watching the drama unfold.

   Chromium had dull rainbow ombre-colored hair with a silver headband holding it in place. She wore a denim jacket over a rainbow ombre spiral shirt. She wore a black skirt and a pair of silver-colored sneakers over white stockings.

   "Lithium's gone? But how?" Beryllium frowned.

   "I checked her house, and she was nowhere to be seen. I asked Chlorine where she is, but he said he had nothing to do with her," he said.

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