My Dear Friend

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   Dear Mante,

     Hey, man! It's been a while since we talked! How have you been? Feeling good lately? If so, good! It's been hectic, these last few months. Work has been treating me well, at least.

      Anyway, I want to tell you that I wish you good luck. There aren't that many people yet, but who knows? Maybe your little place will grow into something big? I would know.

      I've been good as well, if you're wondering. These last few days are tough! One of the guys spilled coffee on my boss, and he got fired! If that's what it takes to get me fired, then I must keep my guard up!

      You're a good guy, Mante. Don't let the power get to your head, okay? You're smart. Remember that. And, hey, maybe I'll resign here and come work for you? Heheh... Maybe.

      Happy Birthday, Mante. With all the years to come, I wish you a happy and long life. Thank you for being my friend.

Yours truly,  

Volcada Nein  

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