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A few weeks later
I woke up and Hiram and hermione were having their usual argument. Oh I live in the pembrooke now. Hiram forced me to. I'm not allowed to go to school either. He walked into my room.
H: wake up!
M: leave me alone! Get away from me!
I tried to run but my broken leg didn't want to.
H: don't ever try to run! Why do you think I have you that broken leg and all them bruises. If you want another one carry on.
He slapped me and I knew it was going to leave a mark. I heard hermione say something like she's only a child.
Tonight I'm going to escape.
Jughead pov
J: I noticed mad hasn't been her for at least a week where is she?
V: at home. She isn't allowed to come to school.
J: I swear if your dad has laid a finger on her I will kill him.
V: how am I meant to know?! The only time she is allowed to come out of her room is school hours. No one except my dad is allowed in there
J: what?
5 hours later.
I walked home
Maddy pov.
I was hiding in the corner of my room after being beaten again. He must be feeling really angry today as he's beaten me 6 times.
I tried to get up to go to the crutches on the other side of my room. I flopped on my bed and shuffled to the other side. Hiram and hermione leave the house when Veronica gets back from school. Veronica normally brings me food so I will get her to take me home.
All of a sudden there was a massive bang at the door of the apartment.
Hi: who is it?
?: sheriffs office! Open up
Hi: what are you doing here fp
He: we haven't done anything.
?: where is she Hiram.
?: we know she's in here somewhere.
?: where is she lodge?
Had they come to save me? I heard fp, Jughead, Toni and Cheryl talking.
M: help!
I tried screaming but they only came out as weak pathetic whimpers.
M: help.
F: mind if we take a look around Hiram.
H: no!
F: then I have to arrest you and hermione on suspicion of child abuse. Jug, Cheryl, Toni, search this place to every last inch. We need to find her.
J: maddy?!
C: maddy?
T: guys this room has a lock on it.
J: I'll just have to knock it down.
All of a sudden my door started banging.
M: help.
I was currently freezing cold and sat back in the corner of my room. Crying. Crying. Crying.
The door burst down. I hoped with everything I had left that it wasn't Hiram.
I kept crying.
J: maddy?
M: jug?
C: found her!
Fp ran in.
F: oh my god! What has he done to you maddy?
Jughead lifted me up and laid me on my bed.
Toni tried to comfort me but I was still crying.
M: he abused me. He broke my leg. He bruise me, he cut me, he hit me, he threw me at walls.
Hi: she's crazy don't believe her, she did all that to herself.
Veronica walked in.
V: no she didn't! I've heard you hit her. Mum hasn't done anything. Why is she in cuffs?
J: maddy it will all be okay. Let's get you to the hospital.
F: take her in her car. Drive it. I'm trusting you.
He carried me to my car and laid me down in the back seats.
J: ready?
I was silent. I hoped that I would die. The pain would end and I wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again.
We got to the hospital and he carried me inside.
J: her name is Madison everleigh lodge she has been abused, broken leg and possibly other broken bones
M: jug I'm fine. You're wasting the hospitals time
J: I'm not, you need help, maybe not physically but mentally
M: I'm fine. I just need to go back to my house and get some sleep.
J: you aren't going back there.
M: well we've been banned from staying with each other so I have to don't I? I'm not staying with Betty.
J: I'll sort something out.
I stood up. My leg was weak but I managed.
J: maddy sit down.
M: no! For once! For just once! I would like to make my own decisions.
J: maddy it's only because I care about you.
M: no. I know you care about me but you can't make my decisions anymore jug. I have to face demons. Whether that means I get hurt doing it.
J: fine maddy do stuff you're way!
M: seriously! You're in a strop because you can't control me any more.
J: no it's not-
M: it is that jug. Do you know what?! Go! Just leave!
J: maddy-
M: I said leave.
He left and I started crying

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