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He went out and asked the receptionist if I could leave.
J: good news.
M: what?
J: you're allowed to leave but I have to watch over you.
M: fine
We got in my car and he drove me to his. He carried me inside although I had my crutches.
He laid me down on his bed.
J: maddy. What happened at the pembrooke?
M: I couldnt tell you without crying.
J: maddy, I've seen you with a blood soaked top with blood dripping from your head.
M: okay. So you know when we first met. I told you that my mum was evil 
and she threatened to kill me. It wasn't her that said that. It was Hiram. He was after Ben. But he killed himself so  he wanted me. So he killed my mum. Not knowing I was in riverdale, as a threat to find me.
I started crying.
M: so my mum was killed for no reason whatsoever and Hiram made me scared of him so he could feel superior over me. He broke my leg by slamming a fire door on it. He would always slap me and hit me with things. And yesterday he said that I was going to to die then. Then you came and saved me.
J: maddy I'm sorry
M: it just feels like every time I'm on top of him he pushes me back down. I try to feel confident but I can't anymore.
Fp walked in.
F: maddy. Come outside with me a second please.
I walked with him.
M: what?
F: Hiram has somehow abided the law and can't get arrested.
10 years later
Jughead pov
I was stood there waiting for maddy to walk down the aisle
Finally she came walking down in the most beautiful white dress.
A: Jesus she looks good.
J: she's mine. You and Veronica are already married
A: we've only been married for a month.
She finally walked up to me and we locked eyes and held hands. The reverend spoke
R: do you Jughead Jones accept Madison Everleigh Lodge to be your lawfully wedded wife
J: I do,
R; and do you Madison Everleigh Lodge accept jughead Jones to be your lawfully wedded husband.
M: I do
R: does anyone have a reason that these to should not be united with holy grace.
No one raised a hand.
R: then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Maddy pov
He swooped me up into the air and kissed me.
M: where shall we go now serpent king?

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