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Halfway through the next day
It was summer break and it was my turn to clean out the bunker. It was 5 pm so I got in my car and drove to fix forest. I parked my car and walked to the bunker. I shut the lid. Lit all the candles and I grabbed the broom and started sweeping the floor. I went to sweep under the bed and something was stopping me. I looked under the bed and screamed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I rapidly grabbed a pair of latex gloves out of my handbag I pulled the body out from under the bed. I took the gloves off. Lit them on fire. They burnt. I stamped on the gloves. I was crying. Why you ask? I'm cleaning up a dead body. I rang jughead
The call
M: please explain to me why I have found a body in the bunker. It's fucking huge.
J: mads I can promise you it's not what your thinking.
M: I'm pretty sure it's exactly what I am thinking. You, Betty, Veronica or Archie killed it. And you better hope it isn't you or as much as it breaks my heart I will end our relationship!
J: right. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be there.
M: fine but I just had to drag the thing out of the bed.
End of call
7 mins later
Jug, sweetpea and fangs arrived.
S: maddy. It was me and fangs.
M: so what did you do and don't lie to me or I will be ringing fp. Make no fucking doubt about it.
F: he tried to threaten us so by accident
S: I shot him.
M: and you jug!! You didn't say anything about it. You let me think that you and me were drifting apart when all you were doing is hiding a body.
J: mad-
M: I swear to god Jones! If you tell me your 'sorry' then god help me because I will start throwing punches.
J: maddy I couldn't tell you or you would freak out.
M: so did you tell anyone else? Did anyone else know or was it just you three?
S: just us.
M: then use your brains dipshits! Next time you hide a body don't keep it a secret because secrets get found out!

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