1 • huang renjun

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*this story may contain explicit wording*

"Renjun! Could you help me after school with maths?"

"Hey, do you wanna go out sometime?"

"Renjun, let's go eat!"

The brown haired boy, who was trying so hard not to snap all this time through the annoying crowds of students around him, eventually let out.

"Can you all just shut up?" He yelled, his dominant voice echoing down the corridors as the students froze in their places, shutting their mouths as they did so.

"I'm with Chenle today, and everyday so just stop trying!" he continued, vehemently stomping his foot down on the smooth floors of the school corridor.

Of course he was being a bit harsh, but he couldn't please everyone's request, could he? The people were beginning to get to him, and say by day he grew even more irritated.


The boy turned around and saw his best friend, Chenle standing there, smiling at him. This boy was Renjun's only soft spot, everyone knew that and he immediately softened his hard gaze, smiling back at him.

"Come, I'll drop you off to your next lesson, apparently there's a new boy joining your class anyways," Chenle mumbled, grabbing Renjun's hand as he weaved through the crowds of people. The older boy frowned. There were enough irritable people in his school as it is, they didn't need another one.

Quickly, the boy had already reached his maths class, and Chenle gave him one quick hug, but Renjun didn't let go.

"Jun, I need to go," Chenle protested, patting his friend's back. Renjun reluctantly pulled back and waved goodbye to him, and entered the classroom, filled with boys standing on tables and girls flirting with some of them.

Renjun just sighed and slipped his earphones in, and walked to the back of the class. He sat down- it was his favourite seat in the room as it was in the back near the window, and nobody sat beside him, just an snort chair in its place.

"Class! Settle down."

Immediately, all the dispersed groups of people  scrambled to their places, apart from one boy with blonde hair.

"Sir, I uh don't know where to sit," he replied, feeling anxious with all eyes on him. The teacher raised his eyebrow, before realising.

"Oh yes! You must be Jaemin, if I am correct." Jaemin nodded. "Welcome, please take a seat at the back next to Renjun," he continued, gesturing to the boy with his earphones in.

Renjun took his earphones out as a boy came next to him, sitting beside the boy quietly without making any eye contact with him. He chuckled to himself, before looking forward again, as the teacher began class.

In his peripheral view, Renjun could see Jaemin struggling slightly with what was on the board, and scribbles over his page in haste to try to understand the equations given. He turned in his seat to the blonde boy, and nudged him. Jaemin visibly flinched, and Renjun faltered slightly before smiling at the boy.

"Hi, my name is Renjun, do you need any help?" He asks. Everyone in his school apart from Chenle takes him as a fuckboy, and nothing more, just a heartless jerk who fucks people for fun, which may be true but there's no harm in trying something different.

Jaemin gulped and shook his head. "No! I mean, no, I'm alright thanks-"

Renjun shifted on his seat. "Why are you acting so weird? You weren't so awkward with other people when I came in, Jaemin."

Jaemin shivered at his name escaping Renjun's lips, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Everyone's telling me not to speak to you, because you just break their hearts."

Oh. That's why he looked uncomfortable.

"Alright, but it's not like you like me, so is helping you gonna break your heart or something?" Renjun sighed.

With looks like that, anyone would-

"Sorry?" the chinese frowned.

"I mean- uh as I said, I'm good thanks," Jaemin said, turning back to his exercise book.

"Suit yourself," Renjun mumbled as he continued flying through the given questions. For a moment, Jaemin saw sadness flash over the other's eyes and bit his lip in guilt.

"Ren-" He began.

Renjun put his hand up and answered the linear equation on the board as the name escaped his seat mates lips.

"X equals 27 sir," he said, as the teacher smiled at him and nodded.

"Good job Mr. Huang."

Jaemin sighed as he continued to write '27' in his book and raked his eyes over the next set of questions.

"Here we go again," he mumbles, biting the rubber at the end of his pencil. Discreetly, Jaemin tilts his head at the side to have found Renjun leaning against his chair, earphones plugged in with his book filled with all the equations and their answers.

He gaped. How could someone with such a bad reputation be so smart? Maybe he misjudged him at first, but whatever it was, he knew that the boy infront of him was not all looks and dick.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

The blonde snapped out of his daze as Renjun clicked his tongue, looking directly back at Jaemin in his eyes; he had taken an earphone out with a large smirk at the staring boy. The younger coughed and averted his gaze, but he felt a lump in his throat as he could steel feel the eyes on him.

Renjun clicked his tongue again and pushed back slightly, chair balancing on two legs with his hands on the table ahead of him.

"Renjun, may you please come and demonstrate the method for question eighty-four on the board please? Some still don't understand."

Renjun sent one last smirk to Jaemin before pushing his chair back down to the floor, dragging it backwards to create a deafening scraping sound as he put on his angelic, innocent, gorgeous face and strode to the front of the classroom, aware of all the staring students eyes on him.

"So to figure out x."


1st chapter uwu

sorry if u guys wanted chensung, but i will start it soon and maybe post it later as i'm hella busy with assignments and exams because we love that-

anyways ily 💜💜

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