6 • stunning

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bitch we nearly have 100 reads and i uploaded this like a few days ago thank u so much 💜💜

bitch we nearly have 100 reads and i uploaded this like a few days ago thank u so much 💜💜

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^^^ shoutouts

Jeno usually spent his free time after school, as he was slacking off in a few subjects and wanted to change that. Because of this, his teacher saw his efforts and wanted to help him as he was quite desperate, in fact to gain some understanding which he didn't know before.

"Jeno, please stay behind please," she ordered after the biology lesson finished and all the students began filing out. It was last period of the day so it didn't matter too much as Jeno should've already been heading to the library at this time.

"I've seen your efforts in grasping the knowledge of biology, and let me just say, I appreciate it," she started, confusing the blonde.

"As of this, I've taken away another student to help you in the subject, who's incredibly smart and good in teaching it, so I hope this will help, Jeno."

The blonde raised an eyebrow at this, but was curious nevertheless.

"Miss, I'm here, is there anything you wanted?"

His eyes darted to the male who suddenly entered the door, sweating slightly in a black oversized football kit, hair brushing his glistening forehead.

Of course it had to be Renjun.

"This is the boy I had told you about, Mr. Huang, I expect to see you two in the library after school everyday. Now," she clapped her hands. "I'm off, have a lovely afternoon."

With a swish of her skirt, the older woman disappeared around the door, leaving the two horn- helpless boy's alone.

It took a minute for Renjun to catch his breath before speaking up. "Renjun," he began, introducing himself. "You?" he asked, not looking up yet.

"I swear we met earlier on today?" Jeno asked, furrowing his eyebrows. This grasped the smaller's attention as he slid his glasses on from his bag and blinked a few times before realising.

"Oh! Sorry I'm just so used to seeing you being so shy and all, but you're like, hot all of a sudden," Renjun laughed, the harmonious sound ringing in Jeno's ears beautifully. He couldn't help but blush and look down at his feet.

"Hey," the chinese said, walking closer to him and raising his chin with his own fingers. "If I was as hot as you were, I'd never be shy again," he joked, winking.

Jeno raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Jun, you're like, hot as fuck I don't know what you're going on about, if we could switch I'd be up for it," he blurted out and saw Renjun's cheeks heating up slightly at the statement and nickname.

"Wow, is Huang Renjun blushing?" Jeno asked, gathering up courage and moving towards the latter.

"Uh excuse me, I thought I was Jun," He pouted, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, the cold sending shudders up Jeno's spine. They both broke out into laughter at the mockery and Jeno honestly felt euphoric. He thought he had feelings for this hot, heartless fuckboy but boy was he wrong. Renjun was honestly the opposite and he loved that more about him.

"Well shit, I never knew the fuckboy would talk to a low level like me," Jeno sighed, leaning back from his stomach hurting from all the laughter. Renjun smiled at him and bit his lip.

"Promise me you'll never tell this to anybody," he began, making Jeno curious again.

"I'm a virgin."

Jeno nearly choked on air.

"Sorry, what?"

"Yeah I guess I'm flirty but I'm a virgin and I've never been in a relationship before," he continued, chuckling at the other's shocked expression. Jeno's eyebrows yeeted out of the chat as these words left the gorgeous boy's mouth.

"Renjun- But then why do you name yourself as one?" Jeno asked again, baffled. The chinese grinned and brought his lips to the other's ears, and spoke.

"Honestly, I just don't like people in general, so if they thought me as a fuckboy, then they wouldn't like me or talk to me you know?"

Jeno's smile grew even wider. So not only was he nice, but he wasn't even a fuckboy anymore, how could it get better than that?

"Why'd you tell me then?" the blonde asked once more, eager. Renjun grinned and edged closer to the boy.

"You've been on my mind for a while."

Jeno nearly choked again, but Renjun quickly passed him his water bottle and patted his back down, making sure he was okay. A look of concern was evident on his face as Jeno looked back up at the boy. For some reason, the blonde had an urge to just scream that he'd liked him since the start of high school but obviously, his stupid ego wouldn't let him do such a thing.

"Anygays, we should start studying from tomorrow, how about you just come over to mine and we can chill for a bit?" Renjun asked, holding his hand out. Jeno hesitantly accepted it, and the brunette grasped it tightly before darting out the room, the blonde being pulled straight after as he led them out of the building.

"Slow down!" Jeno yelled over the wind, slapping him. Renjun stopped suddenly and the younger went flying into him, to which the older laughed.

"This is not fun-"

Jeno was cut off by the ground disappearing beneath him and instead, slender fingers gripping his thighs.

"Jun!" He yelled as the older began running again.

"What?" Renjun asked, acting oblivious to the situation.

"I'm like double your size put me down!" Jeno continued, not wanting Renjun's back to hurt after.

"I like carrying you," was all he said as he slowed down, a house coming into view. "Besides," he continued. "My house is really close to our school." Renjun let go of one leg, and Jeno wrapped himself tightly around the older as he pointed to a building a few metres away. The chinese did live quite near.

All of a sudden, Jeno felt himself being swung around and being carried bridal style. "Yah Renjun!" He pouted, the older grinning down at him.

"We're here," he replied, pecking the younger's cheek.

Jeno blushes fifty shades of red but couldn't hold back the wide grin on his face as the two reached the front door.

But someone could.

And that someone had seen all of it from his window.

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