5 • a big ass flirt

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"Donghyuck!" A specific blonde whined, squeezing the younger's arm to death. The boy inhaled and spun around to face him, a sickly smile plastered on his face.

"Idiot! Mark was staring at me but you just had to ruin it. Anyways what is it?" He sighed, his shoulders slouched as he raised an eyebrow expectantly. Jeno grinned at his best friend before pointing over to the table opposite them, where there were two certain people sitting, talking and looking stunning as always.

"Just go up to him, coward," The silver haired (uh donghyuck in highway to heaven/ superhuman but a bit of a lighter silver ykyk) boy huffed. Jeno took a deep breath before showing two guns on his finger and clicking his tongue at Donghyuck before wiggling his eyebrows and taking steps backwards.

"Watch me come back with Renjun hanging on my arm, desperate for love, Hyuck," He winked and headed off, running to the table with a sudden burst of irrelevant courage. Donghyuck sighed and continued his staring competition with the gorgeous boy across the room.

As Jeno neared the table of the two, he began rethinking. What if Renjun didn't even know his name, or what if he had somebody already? Brushing off the thoughts, Jeno breathed out and dusting himself down before walking to Renjun's side.

"Hey, uh Renjun!"

The shorter boy broke off the conversation with his best friend and turned his head to find an incredibly attractive blonde towering over him.

"Jeno, right?" He asked, double-checking. The other boy's face lit up suddenly, at the memory and grinned, rocking on his feet.

"Yeah, I just came to uh ask you for help in uh basketball, I'm not all that good at it," He continued, crossing his fingers behind his back, awaiting an answer.

Renjun raised an eyebrow and smirked.
Chenle, who was across him choked loudly and saluted, heading off before he had to witness anything else which wasn't dolphin rated.

Meanwhile, the brown haired boy stood up and pulled Jeno by the tie to bring him eye levelled.

"Meet me at the courts, 5pm."

Jeno didn't realise the breath he had been holding in until Renjun brushed his thumb over the blonde's lower lip and exited, a grin plastered on his face.

"Oh my lord."

"So yeah, Chenle came up to me and I was like no big deal I'll be fine but then I don't know what happened and I ran away and now I feel like an idiot and what if he hates me now best do I do Jaemin- Jaemin are you even listening?"

Jisung sighed for the nth time and clicked his tongue as he followed his friend's gaze, which landed on two boys, who's proximity was undeniably close. For about three minutes straight, the tall boy darted his eyes between his friend and the other two until it hit him.

"oH you like him?" Jisung yelled loudly as he clapped his head in understanding. The other went flying off his chair and yeeted onto the floor from the sudden sound and widened his eyes.

"Not so loud idiot!" he yelled back.

"Are you calling me an idiot?"

Jaemin frowned and looked up at the new figure towering over him.


The small boy laughed and squatted down to Jaemin's height, the breath tickling the younger's neck causing a shudder to tremble down his spine. Barely a moment later, the taller felt two hands slip underneath his back and one under his knees as Renjun effortlessly stood up, carrying him bridal style. Jisung, now, was long gone.

"W-What are you doing?" Jaemin stammered, looking up at the handsome boy's face.

"Well, I mean you're the one falling for me so I'm just catching you," he shrugged, smirking. The signature smirk on his face snapped the younger back onto reality so he squirmed out of Renjun's hold and frowned, crossing his arms once his feet hit the carpeted library floor. The older pouted slightly at the loss of contact.

"Look, how many times do I have to make you realise that I don't like you! Will you ever get it into your thick brain that I'll never like you okay! You're probably too busy to realise with all those people lined up to get in bed with you but guess what? I'm not one of them."

Jaemin snapped, clearly irritated. There was however one part of his head saying that this was a lie, but he ignored it, and continued to scold the older; for a minute, the blonde saw a flash of hurt in his eyes though soon replaced with an empty stare, not even his mischievous usual facade which made the younger bite his inner cheek guiltily. Maybe he'd said too much.

Without a word, Renjun turned to the side where the table he was seated at was, and lifted the pile of books up which were sitting there. "Have a good day," he smiled and left the large area, a whiff of cologne trailing away in his absence.


"Fuck! Where's my biology folder?"

Jeno ran back through the corridors, as he just noticed the weight taken away from his bag, so he headed on back to the library. On his way, there was a familiar looking boy leaning against s row of lockers with books in his arms, head down.

"Renjun?" He asked, slowing down. The smaller boy looked up through his thick eyelashes and flashed a quick smile; it didn't reach his eyes however. Reluctantly, Jeno continued his journey but showed a reassuring smile to the dull boy before doing so. It wasn't that far from where he was, and the double doors neared into sight to which he gratefully stopped running and pushed open. Since it was quite late, a lot of people had gone and left for home but it wasn't bare yet.

Something dark and green caught his eye, and he almost cried in happiness.

"My love!" He yelled out, darting towards it and retrieving the item in his wide arms happily.

"Shut up, some people trying are actually trying to study you know?"

Jeno clutched the folder in his arms tightly whilst spinning on his heel towards the irritated voice.

The two blonde boys caught eyes, locking them for a few seconds.

It was Jeno who snapped out of it first.

"Oh. It's you," was all he spoke, and grimaced. Jaemin, on the other hand, felt that same feeling bubble up in his chest that he felt when the boy was with Renjun earlier but cooled it down quicker than it came.

When the boy looked up to speak, all he saw was shelves and empty chairs.

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