17 • i can't wait to love you all alone

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shoutout to milkyhyuck
thank u for all ur voting and comments, i love reading them 💜💜  also, can u believe we're already over halfway through? gosh idk how but we're getting there loVeliEsss also after this i'm thinking of making a markhyuck book so kEep tHat iN mInd whIlE i poSt reallY bAdly i aM sTill siCk ):

also i think i may end this book slightly earlier or something- idek but i feel like i have no ideas for it but i have two interesting plot ideas for a markhyuck and chensung book but i promise in the future i'll hopefully make a better norenmin book, i'm just not really feeling this anymore.

"So she cheated on him?"

"I knew they weren't going to last."

"She's a bitch for cheating on Renjun.."

"And to kiss a guy who's already in a relationship? Bullshit."

Mei was bewildered at why everyone was being so rude to her. It was supposed to be the other way round, obviously but why was everyone acting as if she did something wrong?

From the side of the classroom, Renjun nudged Jisung, telling him it was his time to go. Jisung pathetically attempted to crack his neck, failing miserably although continued, crossing the classroom to Mei in two long strides.

"How could you?" He yelled, eyes watering. Mei furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"You kissed my boyfriend!" Jisung continued, tears falling out as his shoulders shook, breathing uneven as he looked at the girl with hatred. Mei's eyes widened.

"No I never!" she protested, backing away.

The whispered continued around the classroom as the scene unraveled, everybody pitying Jisung as they looked down on Mei angrily.

"And on top of that, you cheated on Renjun.." Jisung carried on, holding back a laugh as he knew what he was saying was all lies, but tried to continue the act.

Now Renjun came into view, his eyes red from makeup done earlier on and nose also red. He shot her an upset glare, before continuing his was to Chenle, who enveloped him in a hug, also glaring at Mei. She felt cornered at the moment, and couldn't help but break down, feeling embarrassed and pressured.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to!" She cried out, exasperated. Renjun just shook his head.

"We're over," he responded, looking at her in the eye and she nodded, wearily. She then ran out of the room, feeling guilty and even worse as the boy she thought was cute was taken.

Back in the classroom, however, Renjun took the cue to run out, but not before hugging Chenle and Jisung and thanking them for helping him.

Although Renjun didn't run to Mei, obviously. Instead he ran to room 207, to get a specific somebody. His short legs carried him as fast as possible as he raced up the stairs, fixing his hair as he reached the destination. He then raised a hand and knocked once, then pushing the door open after doing so.

"Mr. Huang? May I help you? And why are you not in your lessons?" Mr Choi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I have a free period- Also, I need- I mean, Mr Kang needs Lee Jeno and asked me to get him."

For a second, Mr. Choi held an expression of which Renjun thought he knew he was lying, although let Jeno out anyways.

As soon as the boy was let out of the classroom, Renjun grabbed his hand and raced down the corridors with the blonde following suit, reaching the toilets.

"Renjun, what's going on-"

He was cut off however, when a Renjun entered the toilets with him and slammed him against the wall.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," the chinese muttered as he raked his eyes over the blonde, a smile unconsciously making its way to his face.

"No idea," he repeated again as he pulled Jeno down slightly with his collar and connected their lips.

Jeno was caught by surprise- His heart was hammering in his chest at the sudden confession although proceeded to kiss back, his hands making their way to Renjun's waist as the latter tangled his own into Jeno's hair. They both closed their eyes, pulling each other impossibly closer, hands running everywhere. Until the need of oxygen came, pushing the two away from one another.

Jeno gasped for air, a hand still on the chinese's waist and the other just smiled, looking at the younger.

"I'm sorry about.. All of what happened with Mei."

Jeno just cocked an eyebrow in interest.

"Long story, but what matters is that I've gotten away from her basically."

Jeno couldn't help the smile forming on his face as he tilted Renjun's chin up to crash his lips down on his once more, the feeling ecstatic.

"I know it's only been two days, but I missed you," Jeno mumbled, his blonde hair tickling Renjun's forehead lightly. The chinese smiled, pecking Jeno's nose one last time before turning to the door.

"I need to get Jaemin now," Renjun continued, reaching for the door handle. "You can go back to class and I'll meet you at lunch, okay Jeno?"

The blonde nodded and left the toilets after Renjun did, a smile still evident on his face.


"Na Jaemin!"

All the students in the sports hall whipped their head around to the small boy who was on his tip toes on the benches, waving his arms frantically to get a specific boy's attention. Sadly, it was failing.

Jisung shook his head and walked up to Jaemin, prodding his shoulder bedtime gesturing to the small boy yelling on top of his lungs. His eyes instantly widened and rsn over to the chinese, holding his legs tightly so he wouldn't fall of the bench.

"What are you doing here?!" Jaemin whisper-yelled, eyes fixated on his teacher, who luckily wasn't looking at the moment.

"I need you to come with me!" Renjun replied, tugging on the boy's hand. Jisung nodded from the distance as he understood what was going on, and walked over to the teacher.

"Okay, now lets go," Renjun repeated, forcefully dragging him out of the sports hall. The cold breeze hit the two, as they were now outside, the occasional cherry blossoms hanging in the air as the freshness enveloped them warmly.

Renjun took a few steps back from Jaemin, who raised an eyebrow in confusion but widened his eyes as he saw the chinese running towards him.

His arms automatically opened as the boy launched into his arms, legs wrapping around the koreans small waist and his arms reaching for around his neck as Jaemin kept two hands on Renjun's ass so he wouldn't fall off.

The next thing that he did, took Jaemin by utter surprise.

He smashed his pink lips on Jaemin's, tilting his head to the side for more allowance. weaving his hands through the younger's hair. Jaemin, obviously, did not protest, and didn't  want to. The light weight of Renjun was something he'd wanted to feel for a long
time and it was finally happening despite the long wait.

"I really really really really like you, nana."

Jaemin flushed pink, holding Renjun's ass with more strength as he felt himself go weak.

With a light blush dusted on his cheeks, Jaemin booped their noses together.

"I really really really really like you too, Injun."

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