14 • when i'm with you i'm in utopia

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The wind slapped Renjun's skin as his small legs carried him to school; he wasn't late, yet.

He made the horrible mistake of repeatedly putting his alarm on snooze, and he had finally come to realise that staying in bed for ten extra minutes in the morning because you're lazy does nothing at all but make you late- he felt the exact same 20 minutes after as he did when he first got up, and now it seemed foolish.

"fUck," he yelled, the cold breeze hitting his skin as he slowly came to a stop, his hair drenched with the fresh rainwater cascading down on him, but at such an ungodly hour, all he could think of was how he was going to get his ass beat at school if he was late. Finally, a warm embrace enveloped him as the boy opened the glass double doors to the school, and sighed in relief at the heat. Luckily for him, his history teacher was usually late for some unknown reason, so he had five minutes to spare.

Walking through the corridor, his light footsteps echoed around the walls as he eventually reached room 103 for his first class. This was one of his favourite lessons, as Jeno and Jaemin were also in the class, and he loved to talk with them. It was just a warm feeling that he felt whenever the two were around him.

He pushed the door open, and stepped inside, ruffling his hair to rid any drops of water which were unnecessarily hanging around in the beautiful scalp of his. Most students inside were just in groups sitting on the tables as they talked about- knowing them, it was probably something unholy, and 'pure' little Renjun didn't need those things in his life. A smile graced his lips as his orbs landed on two people, chairs turned towards each other as they spoke in an animated chatter, laughter filling the room with their stunning smiles.

The chinese smiled as well, creeping up behind both of them, and jumping onto their backs.

"yo." he said in his deepest voice.

"iNjuN!" Jeno screeched, bringing Renjun down onto his lap, and hugging him tightly. Jaemin grinned, and caressed the chinese's cheek. The three were in their own world, as if nothing could disturb them-


The said male looked up, as did the other two to find none other than Xin Mei. (again, i'm sorry if this isn't a chinese name but i'm trying okAy and also idk if this is a person in reality but if it is, this no way represents them.) Practically everybody knew her as she was known for the not so amazing reasons- one of being the little homophobic bitch she was.

"What do you want, Mei?" Renjun asked, knowing the bratty girl's annoying ways. Jeno's and Jaemin just watched in confusion.

She stuck out a long skinny finger with her baby pink painted nail at the end, and curled it inwards.

"Come with me, Junnie," she smiled sweetly. Renjun knew it was all but sweet, and cocked an eyebrow.

"How about no." he deadpanned. The girl's lips twitched slightly, but pouted 'cutely'. The gays just cringed at her attempts.

"How about I see my dad then, huh?" she asked, jutting her lower lip out, sticking her hip out to the side. Renjun sighed. He knew who her dad was- everyone did.

He reluctantly got up from Jeno's lap, dragging his hand away from Jaemin's and stood infront of the two as she smirked in satisfaction. He walked ahead of her, and she followed- not before looking back and scowling at the other blondes.

Jeno and Jaemin's eyes follwed her retreating figure.

"What the fuck is she gonna do."

"I don't know, but I don't like it."


Mei lead Renjun into an empty classroom near the end of the corridor and shut the door behind her, walking towards the chinese boy. He simple took a step to the side and placed himself on an empty table.

"What now?" He asked, propping a leg up on the table.

"You know that I liked you, so why did you go with those two..... boys?" she replied, cringing at the last word as if it was some kind of poison.

"Because I don't like you," he shrugged. Mei huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, and poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue before a smirk presented itself on her lips.

"I'm going to propose an offer, Jun."

Renjun rolled his eyes. "What?"

"For three days- I promise not more not less- you become my boyfriend, just to see if you like
me and if you don't then I won't bother you ever again, okay?"

Renjun's eyes widened. "For god's sake, I'm fucking gay!"

Mei rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but if you don't agree, I can always bring my father into this, Injunnie. Also, you can't tell anybody about this because you know what will happen, yeah?"

It didn't seem much as an 'offer' to Renjun anymore, but he simply looked upwards and ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

"Fine," he whispered. Mei let out an excited shriek and walked over to him, grinning as she reached his front.

"What are you doing?" He muttered, leaning back as she continued to lean forwards.

"Kiss me, duh," she said, bringing him closer by his collar. Renjun scooted back on the table and shook his head.

"Not happening."

"But you're my boyfriend," she pouted, getting closer to him. Renjun bit back an escaping tear and leaned forwards, just wanting to get this over and done with. She smirked in victory and put a hand on the back of his head, pressing her lips to his, as he did to her.

After two seconds, he tried pulling back, but she instead kept coming closer and tried deepening the kiss, but Renjun just pushed her away, feeling sick.

"You're disgusting."

He got up, shot an angry glare at her which may have frightened her slightly, but she just shouted back, "I'll see you later then, boyfriend!"

"Fuck you," he murmured and exited the room.


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