2 • rivals

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sorry abt this but for the readers who are reading this just when i posted the first chapter,  i slightly changed the description but it'll make quite big of a difference in the story so please read it- new, later readers don't worry lol


Jeno was in such a good mood, coming back from his math class. Three years of hard work at this school and he'd finally moved to a higher set, which made him feel elated.

Finally, just finally, he'd be in the same math class as his two-year crush, Huang Renjun who had maintained his grades as top since day one, and he was excited to share the same math area with him. Of course, his best friend Donghyuck had told him all the time to not fall for this fuckboy- but did Jeno listen? Obviously not.

"Ah fuck!"

Jeno snapped his head to the sound of someone yelling, and he wished he didn't.

A new face, someone with blonde hair had tripped over something on the floor, and was going to fall head first to the ground, but a brown haired boy quickly rushed over, and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him tightly to his chest before he hit the ground. The two stared at each other for a while before Renjun let go and stormed off like nothing ever happened. The thing that angered Jeno was that the brunette was still in a daze, watching his retreating figure as he disappeared amongst the crowds of students.

Jeno felt an aggressive feel to the new boy, and already, he hated his guts.

"yO wEll whAt d'yA kNow iTs yOur mAn jenO!"

Donghyuck came into view, sunglasses concealing his beautiful eyes, hair attempted to be swag and his cap on backwards. He held up two 'yolo' hand signs as he strutted over to Jeno. The dark haired male sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to brush off his embarrassing friend. Sometimes, he wishes he could just abandon his best friend when he gets into that 'swag' mode.

"Man, I think I love him."

Mark gazed in awe at the beautiful specimen barely a metre away as Donghyuck pulled his 'swag' items off and was left with effortlessly brushed back brown hair, which kept falling into his face, his dark eyes twinkling and the top buttons of his white button down, undone and tucked partially into his tight black jeans.

"Yes Mark, you've said that five times in the past minute alone, I think I understand," Jisung sighed, pushing his weight to one leg as his other tapped impatiently. Mark snapped out of his unholy daydream and raised an eyebrow at the tall boy infront of him.

"Like you don't always talk about kissing the fuck out of Chenle, Park."

Jisung blusher a shade of crimson as he looked down to the ground. Mark sniggered as he smacked Jisung's arm playfully. The latter hissed.

"Oh look, it's your beloved Donghyuck coming over, Mork," The tall kid snapped, shoving the older.

"Wait what? Do I look good? Am I drooling? Where is he?"

Jisung erupted into laughter as the boy looked like a deer caught in headlights as he scrambled for fixing his hair as his eyes darted around the hallway.

After a moment, his head looked like it'd catch on fire any moment now, but a specific blonde was coming this way, so he took his chance whilst the younger was too busy snorting his ass off.

"Oh look your beloved Park Chenle."

Jisung stopped laughing and gave Mark an empty glare. "Bitch I just used it on you, and don't mess with my love for Ch-"

"Your love for who?" A certain blonde questioned as he came over, snaking his arm around Jisung's waist, and using the other to brush a few hairs away from Jisung's face.

"Holy shit," Jisung breathed, gazing at the ethereal beauty beside him.

"His love for y-" Mark began.

"Yixing! My love for Yixing," Jisung reluctantly averted his eyes only for them to set on Mark, glaring at him angrily.

"Oh. What about me?" Chenle pouted, caressing Jisung's cheek. If there were such things as human tomatoes, Jisung would be one right now.

"A-and you," He continued, and Chenle grinned, pecking his cheek as the latter just blew up even more.

"I'll see you later, baby," he winked, and walked off.


The boy covered his ears as a loud, booming voice rang through his ears, and he hesitantly turned to the source of the sound, smiling nervously.

Renjun ran over to his fellow chinese friend, and took his glasses off, hooking it on the collar of his shirt and faced his Chenle with a fuming face.

"Yes, ge?" The blonde queried, smiling innocently.

"You literally purposefully sent Jaemin flying into me!" He yelled, prodding a finger to his best friends chest. Chenle chuckled quickly before inhaling, collecting himself and running away.

"Bye ge!" He yelled and darted off. Renjun sighed and went back to his locker, only to find a boy standing there.

"Uh- Hi, you uh left your sweater in class and I thought i'd return it," the boy nervously spoke, his eyes averting every few seconds. Renjun nodded and went to pull the article of clothing out of the boy's hands, although he was holding it too tightly, and the boy found himself getting pulled as well as the sweater.

Renjun's nose was almost touching the boy's lips, and the latter felt his chest being pushed against the smaller's. Renjun pulled the boy down by the collar, so their noses were touching, and he smirked.

"Thanks Jeno," He whispered breathily, his minty breath grazing Jeno's skin, and he gave one last look to the boy before grabbing the sweater and turning away.

Jeno stood speechless.

"What just happened..."

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