15 • even if i die, it's not you

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hello crackheads :D
idk if i've said this enough but thAnk you so much for all of your love and support- honestly i appreciate it so much because i've tried writing books before on here but they've never turned out as successful as 'transfer' and already 'popular'! like dude how did we hit 1k so soon i actually love you idec. anyways shoutouts (; also, we just hit 5k reads on transfer!! thank u 💜)

imgoingchenlolololo (dude i had to count how many lo's were in there gosh 😂)

thank you and i love you 😏 also i have school tomorrow and i wake up everyday at 6am so that's great meaning i have fifteen minutes to write as much of this chapter as i can before i can sleep- if i get it done istg i'm an actual legend idc



Renjun spun at his name being called, his tousled locks falling into his eyes as he turned to face the direction of the voice.


The blonde ran over to him, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and looking at the boy.

"What did she do?"

Renjun inhaled, and took a step out of the embrace, his lips pressed tightly together as if in spite.

"Three days. Whatever I'm doing, I'll never like her."

"Wait, Ren-"

Before he could protest, a whiff of cologne was left in place of the boy's presence, his footsteps echoing as he ran down the halls.

"Jeno, what happened?"

Jaemin came behind the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder as they watched the retreating figure.

"He said three days and something about not liking her, but I don't know what that means? He pushed my hug away," Jeno pouted. Jaemin however, thought about what the chinese said.

"We should wait three days, see what happens, maybe there's some sort of problem,"
Jaemin expanded.

"Well no shit sherlock."

"Fuck off."

"Big man huh?"


"Dumb blonde."

"Dude you're blonde too i-"


"Come, lets go."

As the two turned around, the door from a different classroom was opened, and they were unpleased to find the girl they had come
to despise most, in the matter of twenty seconds. She strutted up to them, her hips swaying as if she was trying to impress somebody.

"Renjun. Is. Mine."

She rolled her eyes after saying the sentence, and spun on her heel as she walked back off, her five inch heels clicking against the stone floors of the corridor.

"I want to rip her fucking weave out of her dead hair," Jaemin muttered, scowling at the thought of her itself. Jeno nodded in approval as he brushed his blonde hair out of his face, his mind still on what Renjun had told him.

"I have a feeling she's gonna do something to get back at us for whatever the fuck we did," Jeno sighed, squatting down whilst rubbing his nape.

"He's not even ours, I have no clue what she's talking about."

"Ours?" Jeno asked with a smirk.

Jaemin widened his eyes and clamped his mouth shut, cringing internally.

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