3 • don't call me angel

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sorry in the last chap i told u to check the desc but me being dumb didn't realise it didn't save so check it again bc now it's saved, also:

my kitten just smacked me across the face so i smacked her back and now she's crying to my sister and my sister is mad at me for smacking my kitten and i-

oh lord.


"Pass here!"

Renjun dribbled the ball through the football pitch as he weaved through the people trying to tackle him, and he continued until he reached the familiar goalpost and the desperate guy inside of it, attempting to cover any space.

His eyes quickly scanned all over the post, and found a corner in the top left half of the net. At this, he raised his leg backwards, and swung it back down to the black and white ball, making it fly across from his position, landing smack in the goal. For a few seconds, the goalkeeper looked baffled, and he couldn't seem to find how he did it, but frowned and collected the ball anyways. Everybody on Renjun's team cheered, and he let out a small smile before running back to his position, and getting ready again. This time, the goalkeeper raised the ball, and whilst he dropped it, he levered his leg, pushing it out to boot the ball over one half of the pitch.

Sadly, it went a bit far.


Renjun spun on his heel, as he heard ball come in contact with something- or someone.

Jaemin was lying on the floor, a visible red mark on the side of his head as he rolled to his side, pressing his hands to his head. Renjun ran over to him, and crouched down to face him, levelled.

"Ouch. That looks bad," he states, and slips his arms under the boy's frame. Jaemin frowns and raises an eyebrow. "Well that makes me feel good, doesn't it?" the blonde scoffed, covering his mark consciously. Renjun simply gave a comforting smile and lifted the boy up, as if he weighed nothing and carried him in his arms.

"Coach, I'll take him to the nurse," the chinese muttered, receiving approval for the absence and proceeded to take off with the boy in his hold. Jaemin felt a warm breath on his forehead, and tilted his head to look upwards- only to find Renjun staring back down at him.

"Renjun," he began. 

"We're nearly there," the older snapped, taking his gaze away from the blonde, and looking directly ahead of him as he made his way through the double doors and past the corridor. Looking down once more, Renjun panicked, seeing a slit on the side of Jaemin's head, and blood trickling down his temple. The chinese boy then pushed a blue door open with his foot, and entered the white room as he shut the door behind him with the same method.

"May I help you, Mr. Huang?" a nurse asked, dressed from head to toe in white and blue. The chinese simply nodded, gesturing to the boy in his arms who let out a weak smile.

"Jaehyun here is-"

"Jaemin," The blonde corrected, slightly
upset that Renjun forgot his name

"Jaemin," he continued, "Got hit in the head by a football, may we have an ice pack and plaster please?" the elder boy asks, watching the nurse shuffle around.

"Thank you, Renjun," Jaemin smiles, looking up at the boy. In response, he receives a disgusted look from the latter and feels a bed placed under him as he watched the small figure retreat.

"I'm gonna be going now, miss," Renjun called to the back of the room. The woman nodded and the chinese took his cue to leave, racing out of the room.

I can't let anybody get attached to me.

He recites, over and over again whilst running down the corridor to the field.

Back in the nurse's office, Jaemin watches Renjun exit the room in a hurry. In all honesty, his head doesn't even hurt that much and the chinese was making quite a big deal out of it when it was only a small scratch. His eyes darted around the room, checking for any sign of the nurse.

She was still in the cupboards.

He took this cue to bolt out of the door, taking a few tissues with him to keep the cut clean.

"Watch where you're going!"

Jaemin stumbled back to hear the noise of whom he crashed into. He was a tall-ish boy with dark hair and crescent eyes, but right now, those eyes didn't look that welcoming.

"Oh. It's you," he scoffed, giving the younger a dirty look. Jaemin frowned. He'd never seen this boy in his life, what does he mean 'it's you'? Before any questions could escape his mouth, the older boy shoved him to the side.

"Stay away from Renjun."

And that was all the boy said before running off to his class, leaving Jaemin in a daze. How did he know that he was hanging out with Renjun for a bit?

This school is so confusing. The young boy thought to himself as he continued walking down the hall lazily, in attempt to reach the pitch once the lesson was over. There was no way he was going to embarrass himself a second time infront of everyone, even if it meant he'd not get carried by the hottest boy in the school again.

All of a sudden, another really attractive boy walked up to him with a confused look on his face.

"Are you new? And are you okay?" He asked, reaching out to touch Jaemin's head. Jaemin smiled back to the other blonde; finally, a non-bitchy person.

"Yeah, I'm okay thanks and I am new, my name is Jaemin."

The other boy smiled as well and stuck his hand out to greet him. "My name is Chenle, and-"

Out of nowhere, a tall boy came running across the hallway and scooped Chenle up, throwing him on his shoulders, and continuing to run.

"And he's taken, sorry Jaemin!" Jisung yelled, as Chenle screamed.

Now my cousin decides to show up, wow.

"This is gonna be one long year."

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