10. USJ attack

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( after the weekend Bakugo's pov)
I didn't see y/n come home that night ah maybe she went home with Mina for a sleepover or something like that. Whatever I have to leave for school.

I get to school and notice that she's not there.
"It seems y/n must be sick oh well today we go to the USJ"

(In the league of villains hideout y/n's pov)

I wake up finding my self tied to a chair unable to move.
"Good your awake we have to leave today."
"Who are you?"
"I'm Tomura Shigaraki, someone untie her and get her ready." He said and left.
Everyone got ready and they felt the need to cover my mouth and keep my hands tied as they drug me through the mist once again.

(USJ with 1-A no ones POV)

Class 1-A got there and where getting institutions on what to do in the USJ but then got interrupted by black and purple mist and villains walking out with you all tied up.
"Oh so that's her name all we knew was that she was in UA. So wheres All Might?" Shigaraki asked.
After them finding out that all might wasn't there Shigaraki put a knife to your throat and threatened that if All Might doesn't show up or if they tried to escape you would die.

Everyone got separated including you, you didn't know where you were and you looked around and soon found Bakugo and Kirishima you ran over to them and ran right into one of there arms and thank God it was Kirishima's
" y/n what were you doing with them?" he asked while untying your hands and taking off the cloth that was used to shut you up.
"Well after Kacchan had sacrificed me I escaped the party and got lost so I asked for directions just to be kidnapped. So yeah."
" This is all my fault I should have taking you home when you were going to leave to keep you safe."
"It wasn't your fault Kacchan it was mine I was to trusting asking a guy in the ally for help. And I didn't get hurt or anything."
" Have you not seen yourself your clothes are all torn apart and you have cuts all over your self. Why didn't you heal your self?"
"I can can heal other people no matter the injury but I can only heal like paper cuts or normal ones like that but not this these cuts are to deep."
"Did you not notice them."
"I did feel the pain when I woke up but was too scared to look at it."
All Might showed up and yeah everyone was safe. You went home with the rest of the class and put into questioning.
"Did you tell them anything?"
"No I didn't know anything about the USJ until we were there and I was asleep the whole time."
After that you got escorted to your house by Bakugo.
"I don't need your protection I'm fine. I know my way home from here."
"I'm taking you to the hospital so you can get help."
You were not paying attention to one of the deeper cuts was still bleeding and when you noticed it was too late you started feeling dizzy and fell onto the ground. Bakugo turns around saw you on the floor, he grabbed you and started chatting you bridal style.

Once at the hospital you were put in a room and got bandaged up and were found out to have three cracked ribs meaning you would be in there for a while. The whole class came in later when you woke up to see how you were and asked you about it but you didn't have much to say seeing that you slept until they left.
Once by one they all left except for Izuku and Bakugo.
"I'm sorry y/n I have to go home I'll visit you tomorrow." Said Izuku as he left. With Izuku gone it went from little talk between you and him to silence. You had no wish to talk to Bakugo seeing how he treated you at the party.
"I heard to can come to school tomorrow so I'll show up to take you I told them not to let you leave until I come to make sure you don't do anything dumb."
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll be back I have to get your stuff." He said and left. The second he left Sarah walked in.
"So you think you can take him by having the spotlight on."
"I didn't wish to be kidnapped trust me if I did I would have still been with them."
"Shut up. I'm here to tell you to stay away from him, he's mine and you can't talk to him."
Bakugo finally returned to seeing you and Sarah fighting over him.
"MAYBE HE WOULD HANG OUT WITH YOU IF YOU ASKED TRUST ME I DON'T WANT TO BE NEAR HIM, YOU AND HIM HAVE MADE MY LIFE HELL SO HAVE HIM I DON'T NEED HIM SO LEAVE AND TAKE HIM HAVE FUN!" You yelled and then looked over to see that he was there and heard all of it. He dropped your bag and walked over to the two of you.
"Sarah leave!" With those words Sarah left you and Bakugo alone. You couldn't look at him so you looked down at your hands.
"You don't want me around right well like it or not you have to put up with me and that's final."
You got up and grabbed your bag and found a outfit, you took it and walked over to the bathroom and changed and walked out.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Like it or not I'm going home I'll be fine so just leave. You heard what I said so just stay away from me I don't need you to look after me I can take care of myself." You walked out of the room to have Bakugo follow behind you.
"Why are you so mad at me?"
" Let's see you chose Sarah over me, you always treated me like I'm made of glass, you have made fun of me for years, you took my first kiss. Do you want me to say more?"
"How can I make it up to you?"
"I don't know."

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