14. Will you ever wake up and if you do will you remember

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Everyday class 1-A went to see y/n in the hospital they would all try to be there the whole day (they didn't have classes for a whole week in hopes she'd wake up in that time) and everyday they would find Bakugo awake and by your side in the same clothes that he had worn the day you had gotten in your coma, they would always give him food and on this day Izuku had given Katsuki some of his clothes and other stuff. They knew Bakugo wanted to stay with you until you woke up but eventually the hospital would have enough of him and make him leave and only return within visiting hours and would call him the second she woke up. Bakugo went home when the doctors had told him to and he finally got a good night's sleep.
The next day classes started (yes he got kicked out after a week) but Katsuki couldn't concentrate all he wanted to do was be by your side so when it came to last period (math) he said he wasn't feeling well and ran to go and see you in hopes you were awake but he truly wanted you to wake up when he was there. He sat down beside you and like everyday when he was alone he'd cry and talk to you.
"Please wake up, classes have started and it's not the same without you. I wish it were me who had been in a coma and not you what. What if you don't remember me, or never want to see me again." He closed his eyes as the years came faster and harder.
He feels a hand on his, he assumed it was a girl from class who rushed over here to see y/n.
"I would always remember you and I love to see you."
He looks up, his crimson eyes meet you e/c ones. You closed your eyes and gave him a closed mouth smile, he couldn't smile back all he could do was hug you.
Eventually everyone else came to see if you were awake and finally you were.
You finally got to leave the hospital the next day and went to school after that. You and Bakugo's relationship didn't changer much. You guys would tell at eachother over stupid things but he was always keeping you away from "dangerous" things (ha you can't keep me away from the Defender Of Justice, God 707) like he would make sure your ramen was fully cooked and not to hot, he would keep you away from sharp objects and he would keep you on the subside of the side walk when walking home. Not to mention he was clinging before by getting mad at boys who talked to you but now he goes in full on attack mode. But you were fine with this you knew he was just being his normal self the childhood friend you had known for years.

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